DEA has been monitoring Home Depots to bust growers since at least 2007


Well-Known Member

Here's the guts of what you need to know, the tactics of your DEA. One more for GO TORONTO eh?

"On May 28, 2007, a Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) special agent noticed a group of men purchasing a large quantity of fertilizer from a Home Depot.   Recognizing the fertilizer as a type frequently used to grow marijuana, he followed the men as they left the store and saw them drive away in a silver 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee.   Law enforcement later identified one of the men as Juan Pineda-Moreno, the owner of the Jeep.

In June, DEA agents obtained information that Pineda-Moreno and his associates had purchased large quantities of groceries, irrigation equipment, and deer repellant at several stores.   On several of these occasions, the group traveled in Pineda-Moreno's Jeep. Agents eventually followed these individuals to a trailer home Pineda-Moreno was renting at the time.

After learning where Pineda-Moreno lived, agents escalated their investigation.   Over a four-month period, agents repeatedly monitored Pineda-Moreno's Jeep using various types of mobile tracking devices.   Each device was about the size of a bar of soap and had a magnet affixed to its side, allowing it to be attached to the underside of a car.

Agents installed these devices on the underside of Pineda-Moreno's Jeep on seven different occasions.   On four of these occasions, the vehicle was parked on a public street in front of Pineda-Moreno's home.   On one occasion, it was located in a public parking lot.   On the other two occasions, the Jeep was parked in Pineda-Moreno's driveway, a few feet from the side of his trailer.   The driveway leading up to the trailer was open;  agents did not observe any fence, gate, or “No Trespassing” signs indicating that they were not to enter the property.   The agents entered Pineda-Moreno's driveway between 4:00 and 5:00 a.m. and attached the tracking devices to the Jeep. Once in place, the tracking devices recorded and logged the precise movements of the vehicle.   Some of these devices permitted agents to access the information remotely, while others required them to remove the device from the vehicle and download the information directly.

On September 12, 2007, information from a mobile tracking device alerted agents that Pineda-Moreno's vehicle was leaving a suspected marijuana grow site.   Agents followed the Jeep, pulled it over, and smelled the odor of marijuana emanating from a passenger in the backseat of the vehicle.   The agents contacted immigration authorities, who arrested all three individuals in the vehicle for violations of immigration laws.   Pineda-Moreno subsequently consented to a search of his vehicle and home.   In Pineda-Moreno's trailer, agents found two large garbage bags full of marijuana."


I'm glad to be Canadian some days.

The Potologist

Active Member
F'in scumbags! I wish someone would genocide every last one of the worthless, heartless cowards that pride themselves on prohibition. I personally hope that each and every last scum that works for the DEA gets a dish of straight up violent cold blood murder! I pray that each "fuck wad agent" suffers decapitation in revenge of all the VICTIMS THE DEA HAS CREATED. DEATH TO THE DEA!

One love--Cannabis


New Member
its a good thing that no professional grow supplies come from home depot ive never seen any good nutes there i drive across the state


Active Member
F'in scumbags! I wish someone would genocide every last one of the worthless, heartless cowards that pride themselves on prohibition. I personally hope that each and every last scum that works for the DEA gets a dish of straight up violent cold blood murder! I pray that each "fuck wad agent" suffers decapitation in revenge of all the VICTIMS THE DEA HAS CREATED. DEATH TO THE DEA!

One love--Cannabis
Looking at your above post, how hard do think the DEA would have to look to find say YOU? Are you that fucking stupid to post on a public forum, never mind I guess you are........Cause you did....


Well-Known Member
Your subject is misleading. You claim the DEA (rather than a single agent) is (never was) monitoring Home Depots (it was one agent who noticed a large fert purchase by chance) since 2007 (as if it is still ongoing)

just another hyped up story with a misleading title to scare people... Good job... :clap:


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't be far-fetched to say that certain Gov agencies have "Flags" on certain items bought at certain quantities at Home Depots.Or any home improvment type establishment. But this is just bananas. Being tracked and surveiled is something ENTIRELY different.


Well-Known Member
nothing new here.

that's why you purchase as much as you humanly can with CASH.

it takes more than buying fertilizer to catch somebody though.....

you can grow every thing for a CFL grow op at home depot without raising any red flags.

all you have to do is be careful, go on differnet days and buy different things, that type of thing....

some employees are told to alert authorities of suspicious purchases.

buying 2 bags of soil, 5 1 gal pots, fertilizer, extension chords, fans, bulbs....... that's a suspicious purchase.............


Well-Known Member
While some people say that it was just a regular guy who happened to be in home depot and happened to notice a group of guys buying fertilizer .........


Within days the officer had receipts of irrigation equipment, deer repelants, and more at OTHER STORES?

Its funny some of you dont see a problem with this. That's why America is fucked up. America, Fuck Yea!


Well-Known Member
(And by the way, the court documents dont state it was an off duty agent, nor that they were actively monitoring a Home Depot, just that the agent saw them there and that's why the case was opened on the bad guys)


Well-Known Member
While some people say that it was just a regular guy who happened to be in home depot and happened to notice a group of guys buying fertilizer .........


Within days the officer had receipts of irrigation equipment, deer repelants, and more at OTHER STORES?

Its funny some of you dont see a problem with this. That's why America is fucked up. America, Fuck Yea!
Another conspiracy theorist eh? LOL

I'm sure they only bought one or two bags of ferts, right? :roll:


Well-Known Member
Another conspiracy theorist eh? LOL

I'm sure they only bought one or two bags of ferts, right? :roll:
There is obviously something behind them starting to follow a guy for buying fertilizer. A random agent at a home depot followed someone buying materials for cultivation? If that were true a staggering percent of people would have stories like this. Conspiracy theorist, maybe not. But maybe there was more activity prior to this prompting an investigation. To boil down a peron's motive based on purchases from HD is not enough to justify surveillance. More than likely the guy(s) apprehended through the investigation were on the radar long before they bought grow supplies at Home Depot.


Well-Known Member
Recognizing the fertilizer as a type frequently used to grow marijuana,

Yeah....Home Depot has the drop on nutes now, huh? Please....

ANYTIME someone buys a large quantity of fertilizer it raises red flags. Why? Because you *used* to be able to buy chemically based fertizler with large amounts of AmonniumNitrate in it. Which was used with diesel fuel by one crazy bomber in Oklahoma and you know the rest of the story. So *why* would agents care if you buy ferts that cannot even be used to create a sizable blast yield? Good question. But probably to make them selves look good. Bad guys buy ferts and discover through trial (and mostly error) that they were wrong in their recipe for disaster. Only a matter of time before they do get something right and cause havoc. The agents simply watch the stooges fumble enough to build a case and then swoop in saying *they* prevented a terror op from proceding due to thier vigilance and training. Yawn.

ganja girl

New Member
The 9th court in San Fran upheld the use of tracking devices without a search warrant. It was taken to appeals court and upheld there, too. Frightening

The Potologist

Active Member
I guess with thing like The Patroit Act, the line at which one declares "private" is no longer determined by a US Citizen, but rather by a system of courts that determine the US Constitution is no longer worth the paper it was written on in today's day and age where everyone is considered a potential enemie combatant and no longer have the means to determine whats best for one's self. The Supreme court has made it evident, IMO, that the worst enemy to the public, is the citzens itself, thus the need for legislation on everything from how to wipe your ass, and proper ways to shed tears. IMO, there is no longer anything sacred and private. The government has all rights to tune and sort us as it seems fit, cause obviously the legislators, politicians, and court systems know whats best in todays age.

I guess thats why we have a war for just about everything. There awnser is fuck it, go to war with whatever is against the views, legislation, and political agendas of todays powers to be. I think the Government forgets that the people GAVE THE POWER to the Government and thus WE CAN TAKE IT BACK, IF NEED BE! Personally, I think the US would be better off with the power in the peoples hands where our voice is actually considered and valid! IMO, in today's age, a vote means nothing. Its a attempt to make us believe we have a say and can change. But the only changing in modern US comes from the power to be. We get minimal change every four years with the ability to elect another ass clown to fuck things up further more than what it is already!

Peace, Love, and Happiness


Active Member
Wow! That's an old one too, from March this year! Go figure it being in the news NOW as new! :) I think its more that the appeals courts or whatever upheld their decision that its in the news today. Still weird!

No. This news was already there back then and that was the Federal Appellate Court of the 9th District ruling. Certain news just don't seem to make a big splash unless certain members have some knowledge of the law. Anyone who live under the juristrictions of the 9th District Federal Appellate Court will or should know how important this ruling is.

Hopefully this doesn't happen to anyone.


Active Member
F'in scumbags! I wish someone would genocide every last one of the worthless, heartless cowards that pride themselves on prohibition. I personally hope that each and every last scum that works for the DEA gets a dish of straight up violent cold blood murder! I pray that each "fuck wad agent" suffers decapitation in revenge of all the VICTIMS THE DEA HAS CREATED. DEATH TO THE DEA!

One love--Cannabis
I'm in, we must assemble forces for the cause, who else is in?