ANY TIPS ON Rejuvenation


Active Member
I just harvested my plants and am trying to rejuvenate a monster plant because i am tryn to cut clones from it and was lookin for tips on anybody that has done this??


Well-Known Member
You can try to stress it out by feeding it to a cat or something. This happened to mine when my brothers cat ate over half of all the leaves off this small flowering blue cheese plant. Or Ive herd of clones revegging because when they;re were kept inside, light leaks made it so later when the plant was put outside, during flowering it would later started revegging into a monster.


Well-Known Member
ya i kinda have a similar question.....i just harvested one of my favorite plants and i was wonderin if i could take the plant now and stick it back in the veg room and have new growth come out the nodes where i have fan leaves still...... whats the limits on rejuvinating a plant after harvest??? anything i can add or do to promote new growth again??
I had a 3 fter harvested er, had about a foot and a half of stripped branches left and it started growing back leaves by a week, week and a half after flushing.


Well-Known Member
All you do is chop everything, except leave small cluster of buds on the lower branches. So basically you can chop every branch down to the last bud site (or two), which is usually pretty small anyway, and stick it in the veg room. It will take quite awhile to bounce back. The leftover buds sites will start turning into really ugly leaves and then it takes off. I'm guessing you will harvest 95% of the bud, so you really have nothing to lose from trying, that is if you have the time and place to do some vegging.


Well-Known Member
All you do is chop everything, except leave small cluster of buds on the lower branches. So basically you can chop every branch down to the last bud site (or two), which is usually pretty small anyway, and stick it in the veg room. It will take quite awhile to bounce back. The leftover buds sites will start turning into really ugly leaves and then it takes off. I'm guessing you will harvest 95% of the bud, so you really have nothing to lose from trying, that is if you have the time and place to do some vegging.
Yea, that's right.If it's a soil grow and the plant is not in a huge container, step it up into slightly bigger container, to get some fresh soil around it. Feed some grow nutes, 24 hours of light if you can, and wait it out.


Well-Known Member
That is a good tip about repotting. Maybe mine would have recovered sooner. On the plus, I regened the white widow specifically to get it pregnant. End result is I got 600 seeds in what has turned out to be a really excellent pheontype. Obviously, another advantage is I knew the entire history of the mother, from seed to harvest and smoking. Does anyone have a better way of picking a good mother?


Well-Known Member
Yes you can reveg. Some people will carefully prune the plant to encourage new growth and may prune roots as well and plant in a smaller pot.


Well-Known Member
I just harvested my plants and am trying to rejuvenate a monster plant because i am tryn to cut clones from it and was lookin for tips on anybody that has done this??
Just put the plant back into 24 hours of light and wait until you see new growth in about 2 weeks. Just make sure you have some leaves left on the plant when you do it
turn up the lights give it hella potasium nitrogen a balance of the rest of the minerals some b1 prune it up a little and be ready to wait 4-6 weeks.