leaves curling??


Hey guys have a little what seems to be a problem,,. some leaves are drooping and some are curling straight up, any idea? Not a very great pic--investing in a camera soon to be sure to get some nice pictures up!! Thanks for the help!:weed:



what and how much are you feeding it?

Water and some light!--Heard MG is filled with nutes and was advised to hold on that-which leads me to this point; 17 days in, sign of maybe i should start feeding??.
As for PH im clueless, im gonna assume its not anywhere high since i have gallons of purified water that i use.

I have another one going and everything has been done the exact same!
here she is!



Well-Known Member
well mg is ground up failure in a sadness bag, and you might want to make sure that the water your using (if it were intended for drinking) doesnt have any minerals, some purified waters do have minerals added for taste they can be slightly acidic. and how much light is it getting?


Alright will be sure to check up on that! 24hrs. occasionally ive been letting them sit outside for a few hours to get some natural light--once again theyve sat side by side every time and still that one seems to not be growing the same :/.


I transplanted and mixed ocean forest with MG. Idk how many people think its terrible but it seems to be working fine?? This is all trial and error for me so I'd rather have fun with it!

--They look ALOT better!
I transplanted and mixed ocean forest with MG. Idk how many people think its terrible but it seems to be working fine?? This is all trial and error for me so I'd rather have fun with it!

--They look ALOT better!
You should be fine.I use mg soil everytime i dont order the ff soil.Thats like every 2-3 months.


Well-Known Member
Really do you know how many grows i used mg soil and dont have any probelms?So i would say thats your opinion.I use mg soil mix it with perlite and my plants do just fine.

ok so yeah it works i never said anything to the contrary of its performance, but mg soils that are made for flowers and house plants use chemical fertilizers that can lead to more carcinogens in your bud, flush or not theyll be there.
organic is the way to go. besides mg isnt heavily regulated as far as pests and diseases go they dont care about your plants just your money. your better off mixing your own soil. i know a lot of growers and ive smoked alot of weed i can taste the difference.
ok so yeah it works i never said anything to the contrary of its performance, but mg soils that are made for flowers and house plants use chemical fertilizers that can lead to more carcinogens in your bud, flush or not theyll be there.
organic is the way to go. besides mg isnt heavily regulated as far as pests and diseases go they dont care about your plants just your money. your better off mixing your own soil. i know a lot of growers and ive smoked alot of weed i can taste the difference.
Ok nice point.I will start mixing my own soil tho.I found out the gardenshop has everything i need to do so for good prices.



The bigger are officially 1 month old!
the smaller are 15 days into veg!
I'd say the bigger are a complete turn around from what they were last time i posted?!