Contest - Summer 2010


It took me like an hour to get those rhinestones in the first pic in the right place, and I risked my ass with the Charter Communications truck, so I figured I'd share even though the contest is closed.:cry:
I did baby, I did, took me forever with those stupid little gems lol...oh and in case you are wondering, I love color changing glass...can ya do different colors? Every one I've ever had was blue lol
I did baby, I did, took me forever with those stupid little gems lol...oh and in case you are wondering, I love color changing glass...can ya do different colors? Every one I've ever had was blue lol

you did put some effort into that. ;)

most of the stuff i do changes colors. :cool:

I seen someone had there dogg and was like damn it, oh well mines on the clock...grow security
Hey guys, I paid this homeless guy to hold my sighn for twenty min while I did my shopping in Wal Mart! Then took a couple of pic's and gave him $20! I did a charitable thing and I got a good entry for the contest! Beat that!
