• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Want to read my crazy idea?


Active Member
Sad part is, its not going to change. Funny thing is, they think we are the idiots, because we smoke tree. Terrible part is, that kind of "lifestyle" is encouraged. To support that, last year when I went in for college orientation, we had to go to a seminar, and the speaker literally told us, " go ahead drop your back home gfs and have a good time here. There are plenty of 'social events' here that will get you involved' " . Even more evidence of this, the club was right down the street, where it was 5 dollar pitchers all night and there was no security or id check except at the bar. Which meant at 18 I could walk in and ask a guy to fill my cup and get drunk. Go to college yeah! get drunk yeah! we dont have to worry bout anything!

This is all why i dropped and decided to just get my IT liscence and skip the required bullshit.


Well-Known Member
What ever happened to human decency? Times are a fuckin changing my friends. Im just glad I grew up exploring the worlds possibilities and not the world wide web. I mean I'm 21 but I know whats out there, I know how the world runs.. But I also see what is holding us back, it isn't hard. Divide and conquer has been practiced since the ages, it will most likely never fail.

Its sick to think the government has those weapons, I can see why thousands if not millions of people protest against G20 and G8. They know that there are people out there that will violently protest against them, they have ruined their lives and millions of others with countless things.

Its a pretty good point to mention, we have all this technology, but where has it gotten us? Dont get me wrong, I like a little technology. But the world has gone mad. Our society wants to eat and shit everywhere, but never clean it. We have polluted the piss out of this place, and exponentially only getting worse.

Fuck this 2012 end of the world bullshit. REAL Mayans predicted a new beginning, the age of Aquarius. I say bring on the water and sink or swim!


Well-Known Member
and what the fuck is up with these game shows? i mean, why the hell do people like to watch other people make thousands of dollars? why not instead of giving the money to the person or family, give it to someone thats actually in need? what am i saying...that wouldn't get good ratings...just remember every show you watch is geared to only get ratings.


Well-Known Member
The world loves circle jerkin.

and is anyone else having trouble viewing their posts? when I goto my profile and search all posts, it only shows some from yesterday or the day before and everything before that... Wtf up?


Active Member
Kronic- Technology hasnt got us anywhere near where it COULD. I mean i dont see it being to us what, say, fire did for us. But it can be useful for cross country communications and all sorts of things that are probly left unheard of because it would give us(as in genral public) more power. And i honestly dont even care, they can keep the shit. God gave us this earth, and the most satisfying and useful tools come naturally to us. I still think it would be cool if they do have a power like to where you can do a sort of high quality and high speed video chat with people across the world.

Blazin- No kidding bro, my parents watch game shows (Deal or no Deal), and i do enjoy watching some peoples luck turn from good to worse where they walk out with only like 2 gs compared to 500k. But the part I love the most is when people pray on the show like God i love you just get me this money.
Give me a break. I believe if God wants you to have that money and knows you will be responsible enough to use it wisely and to better the world and your community, your gonna get that money.


Active Member
I belive in war, i belive in death to those who deserve it. We can have war and not make the innocent suffer. Im going to join the us army infantry in a couple years, i cant wait. But you can be a peace keeper and still cause death.
I'm sorry dude, but what the fuck are you talking about? I'm sorry but to me this is a typical response from a young dude living in military brainwashed country!

War will ALWAYS result in the death of innocents, it is unavoidable!


Active Member
Ireg, while I like your idea, and many others did aswell, unfortunately in todays society, the morals and principals of almost everyone have changed, noone gives a fuck about something that they don't see or feel for themselves! It sux balls, a 10 year old kid by todays standards doesn't hold any of the basic principals of life that someone of 20-25 years old had when they were 10. It'sfucking scary man, kids these days have absolutely no respect for anyone or anything. What the fuck do their parents teach them?! I think a large problem is the whole 90% of wealth is in 10% of the population, if you're rich and comfortable, what the rest of the world is gong through, really doesn't fucking matter!

I mean, things are bad now in general throughout the world, in terms of famine, money, work, imagine how things are gonig to become with kids like the ones I mentioned coming up through society and (in a clichéd tone of voice) in turn being our/the world's FUTURE. Like I said, it's freaky.

Bro you have to find as many like minded people as you can to get something like that going, and I guess RIU is a pretty good place to start. Go for it man! You never know, you could be the next revolutionary! Hehehe Jokes aside, gop for it for sure, I liked the idea! You got my vote!!


Active Member
Thanks bro. Im only 19, and I dont see the world the way a lot of you guys on here do, but i see enough to know that its HAD to of changed. This lifestyle bleeds destruction everywhere it goes. Thanks for your support man.


Active Member
Like your taste in music by the way. Dudes a bit of a ghetto preacher sometimes, but his theories are spot on! I like!

Don't get me wrong, I'm young aswell, 23, but even in that short time, people have changed, society has changed, and not for the good, just listen to some of your friend Immortal Technique's music, shit is going down hill in terms of human well being. Wars in all 4 corners of the world (I'm exagerating, but thats what it feels like) famine, very limited disaster relief when it is most needed. People would rather kill a brother for a little extra cash these days, rather than do a hard days work, where is the honesty these days you know?!

We need more people thinking like the crew on RIU does, well, most of them. If most families brought back old values and principals it would already be a start..........anyway, rant over.

Peace and one love!


Active Member
It honestly comes down to the people that just WANT to learn and explore this world and see what it is beyond the false reality of the t.v. It sucks tho, for me, cuz im new to this perspective and i still cant tell you shit about some of the recent news. I have been reading more and more online and doing tons more research and I have honestly never felt more alive now that i trust our God and i only take my own initiative and take advice from people that i truly get good vibes from and believe that they themselves fight and earn their own living. The only problem with this world today, is even if i did go thru with my idea and it worked...I alone and even with the help of thousands couldnt outdo the gvt and people in power. Nothing will get better....but i still see life in nature and hope in the good humans around the world.
I totally agree with your posts sometimes you just can't get shit through people's heads;
Too many people are focused on money and power to care what this world comes to.

Alarm Clock

Well-Known Member
First off, it's not a crazy idea, and you're right, many have had it before. John Lennon said, "Imagine."

The problem lies in your plan.

Turn that money into love and give people hope...
How? That's not exactly a technical or scientific process. If you can figure that out, we can get somewhere.

Money is the only system we have, and it's far more fair than other systems we've tried, like slavery and indentured servitude. It's not without it's flaws, and sometimes undeserving people come out on top (and bottom). Do you think most of those people know the kinds of joys others do though? I may not know what it's like to go to sleep on a mattress of women and gold every night, but I know what it's like when my daughter screams laughing because I gave her a butterscotch or a stick. Having that much of it presents problems too, such as never being able to trust anybody, ever, in some cases. How lonely and hellish would that be? There are worse things in the world than dying broke.

I feel what your attitude is, but you have to stop looking at money, birthrights, ignorance and selfishness with such malice. Why should anyone be mad at the Kardashians for being rich, except if they are letting jealousy run their ideals? Why shouldn't you say, "We should all be rich." Life isn't fair, and it's not just money that does it. It is nature.

However, if you want to put so much judgment on people and decide what's right or wrong, then why don't you place the blame at the top where it rolls down from? Snobs are rich. Animals eat people. Sister got sick and died. Seems like nature (God) is a bigger commonality than anything else. There is a chance that none of us understand what is really fair, right, or wrong. To me, there is no black or white, there is only greys.

As a side note: One of my ex-girlfriends is heading out to Africa next month to help install water wells and windmills. I'm just proud of her and she seems to be on the right track as far as helping her fellow man out, even if she is doing it under the guise of organized religion.

Just hold a door open for a nasty dirty bum or a rich, well dressed old lady. We're all in this bitch together, and we shouldn't let the jealousy take such a hold of us. Jealousy is the reason people don't share so much in the first place.


Active Member
Green- I'm not much for rap, but like you said, his theories are spot on! And ya, i believe there will be a huge war, I just hope im in Alaska by then so I'll atleast die happy =)

Sam- Thanks =) People have their own views, and they dont want to change them or atleast give others a chance, but in that case we are all hypocrites hahaha.

Alarm- I dont really mean turn money into love, LITERALLY. I meant in a way like...hmm...like some say money cant buy happiness...i believe it can, just not in materialistic ways. You give a poor family seeds and enough land to farm, your drastically changing their lives. Idk...its all complicated, and its never gonna get better on a big enough scale. So i'm just gonna toke and post on RIU cuz this place is the shit. =)

Alarm Clock

Well-Known Member
Alarm- I dont really mean turn money into love, LITERALLY. I meant in a way like...hmm...like some say money cant buy happiness...i believe it can, just not in materialistic ways. You give a poor family seeds and enough land to farm, your drastically changing their lives. Idk...its all complicated, and its never gonna get better on a big enough scale. So i'm just gonna toke and post on RIU cuz this place is the shit. =)
Sounds a lot like theoretical communism. We tried that too, and it appears to only work in theory. People are selfish, and they always will be. It's a defining part of the collective "us", even if we can build the exceptions to a decent number. It's not really worth mourning over in my opinion though, as there are much darker demons on the front lines being led by the demon/angel of selfishness.

I believe that happiness can be achieved with the aid of money too, in certain cases, but money can only ever buy materialistic things or sway people based on materialism. I'm monetarily poor as shit, by the way, but I'm one of the richest people on the planet. I personally believe that through suffering comes learning, and people will have the life they deserve. It all lies in the size of the spark in a person's heart. It has a lot to do with perception, priorities and misplaced values too. Any poor person, in any country (practically) can live a bountiful life if they desire. If the goal is to have what others have, that is driven by jealousy. If the goal is to be at peace, there is plenty of unused land. Cannabis isn't the only thing you can guerrilla grow, and mother Earth is in still in more control than what most people give her credit for.

To me, I say it is undue and unfair to just give people things because they are poor. They didn't earn it any more than the Kardashians did (technically they did through Daddy though). We all have to work, and I don't mind helping out the less fortunate, but fuck the people who are only willing to hold out their hands and not contribute. I might even help their kids out, but fuck them. Butt fuck them. It's the only way they'll learn.

Also, to kronic; stupidity, ignorance, laziness, undue idolation and several other things let the elite have power, not money. Money is just a tool. What you are saying is like saying guns kill people. Guns don't kill people, I kill people, with guns. -Jon LaJoie

...and I agree with you on another thing Ireg, this place is the shit.

Alarm Clock

Well-Known Member
I know this is only semi-tangent to the topic, but I had to add it for those that don't know about it yet.
