NEW Closet Set Up for L.E.D. Stealth Grow

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Thanks for the reaming American Gothic! It is such an honor to be constantly flamed by you. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the superior insight you have given me concerning my misguided motives for being here. I have apparently failed in my communications with you to establish the fact that I was not the one that started the name calling; that was you, kind sir. I have done my best to be your friend. I have sincerely praised your grow here. I have extended the hand of friendship. I have asked that we drop the name calling and disengage the pissing contest. It is without a doubt my fault that you have not picked up on this; I am such a terrible communicator.

I understand your frustration for my posting in my defense; I felt the same frustration when you castigated me, saying things about me that were so cruel and untrue. Surely you must understand my need to redeem myself and defend my good name.

At least it gives me great satisfaction knowing that I was able to bring a little laughter into your life but you again saw threats where there were none. My only concern was a mod seeing your flames directed at me and banning you. I am here for you my friend; my hand is once again outstretched to you.
You are giving Pink Floyd a bad name....

Serapis: Did you upload a douche magnet when you started this thread or are they just attracted to you all together?
it's ok guys, it has been dealt with.

Let's let it go and ignore him and move on with the grow.

thanks for having my back though! :)
potpimp is just lame. He started this whole deal when he said you'd be lucky to get a 1/4 OZ. Haters just gonna hate, not much you can do.
We CAN ignore him and move on? Some of his posts were supposed to have been removed anyways.... Don't even mention the nick again... lol :)
We CAN ignore him and move on? Some of his posts were supposed to have been removed anyways.... Don't even mention the nick again... lol :)
Mention who.......?

Damn Serapis, you are a posting fool! IIRC you had fewer than 200 posts when you started this thread, am I right?
if I was you I would protect that extension cord bar, moisture could make it catch fire when you are not at home, I read through your thread, did you spend almost a thousand dollars on that setup?

If you'll take a look at the photos in the post just prior to yours, you'll see that his humidity's at 39% RH. I think he'll be all right. ;-)

Sub'd - killer room, very anxious to see how it turns out with LEDs.

One question though and forgive me as I'm VERY new to growing and especially LEDs...

From the pics you've posted the LEDs look to be a mix of red and blue (I know blue=veg and red=flowering). Does the mix of colors promote better growing as opposed to a straight blue during veg and straight red during flowering? For now I'm using CFLs to grow as it's the most cost effective way for me to do it and I'm in veg using 65K bulbs and will switch to 27K bulbs for flowering. Is it that it's just too expensive to buy separate LED panels for the different colors?

Great thread and can't wait to see the results:grin:

Plants largely use two frequencies of red and two frequencies of blue for photosynthesis at all stages of growth. They use a little bit of many other frequencies, primarily in the white spectrum, with the exception of green and orange. For this reason the very best LED lamps will usually use a ratio of five spectrums; two of red, two of blue, and one wide-spectrum white. The reason that red or blue are emphasized over the other in HID bulbs and other grow lights is because one often has to be foregone or preponderated over since it's hard to combine these frequencies whilst intensifying them with a bulb. LEDs, on the other hand, can be combined in specific frequencies and frequency ratios since they're composed of many small one watt diodes, wasting no energy in the form of light spectrums which plants cannot use. I think that the oft-quoted 15% of light which is actually used by the plant is exaggerated by the LED companies a tad bit; I read somewhere that on average the amount of light wasted in frequencies that plants don't use is actually 30%. It certainly doesn't make sense that so much would be wasted since HIDs are quite effective and considered tried-and-true. But that's still thirty percent which LEDs don't waste.

Good work thus far, and good luck, Serapis.

I received some new seeds today, bubblicious, and planted 5 in 9 oz Solo cups. I used an organic starter soil, poured about 2 oz of water in each and waited for the water to run through. Once it did, I used a pencil to place a small hole in the center of each, then placed a single seed into each cup and gently covered. Once covered, I sprayed with water to make sure the top was moist.

To wet the starter agent, I mixed 2 quarts of water with 3 drops of Superthrive, 7 drops of Schultz Plant food and half a capfull of H2O2. I'll be spraying top of soil with straight up water from the reservoir twice a day. The starter cups are under the LEDs. I'm not going to baby these for 10 days under Flouros this time. I have the light about 14" above the cups and will gradually lower as plants mature and get ready for transplanting.

i'm doing this because I believe I have a better feel now what I can do under the lights. I'm home all day, preparing for my sophomore semester in college which starts in a week, so I'll be able to keep a close eye on them.

All LEDs are on

BTW, I foliar fed the plants today with straight seltzer water and then poured about 4 oz into each pot. I swear to God that they all look perked and happy as hell right now. Not a single sagging leaf and they were just transplanted Sunday. Their color is inspiring.

It is still hard to tell what fimming did for Runt.... The growth looks funny, but no discernible branching yet. She is working on her 5th node and I'm tempted to just top at this point. The nodes are TIGHT as hell with this strain. I hope to have 10 healthy plants by the weekend.

Have a great night!
Unless you have a major grow op, a closet grow isn't going to pop up on any cameras. Plus, your dryer vent probably pushes out more heat than any room you'd consider growing. Think about it...
Runt is lookin RIDICULOUS compared to the other ones. It's like naming the massive guy in the group Tiny.

LOL, Runt is lookin awesome.... secondary leaves are starting to kick in. I can also start to see results of the fimming. Believe it or not, before the "incident", Runt was the smallest. She took 10 days to germinate. Had the incident not occurred, we'd be lookin pretty and thinking about 12/12 in 2 weeks.
This is also hardly a stealth grow. Seems you have vents poking out everywhere. :shock:

I own the home, the only vents are in my master bathroom... I'd hardly call it vents poking out everywhere.

Let me ask you something nerd.... I went and looked at all of your posts and I fail to see a single pic of your grow space or your plants...

You have this huge avatar that takes up large amounts of page space, yet you really have nothing relevant to say. Do you have a need to just chime in on things you know little to nothing about, such as your Miracle Grow thread buddy?

I have an idea for you. Quit telling others what their op is or isn't until you can show what you are capable of. Fair enough? If you don't like it, feel free to leave this thread and find some other chump that will put up with your bull shit.

Have a pleasant day....
Plants largely use two frequencies of red and two frequencies of blue for photosynthesis at all stages of growth. They use a little bit of many other frequencies, primarily in the white spectrum, with the exception of green and orange. For this reason the very best LED lamps will usually use a ratio of five spectrums; two of red, two of blue, and one wide-spectrum white. The reason that red or blue are emphasized over the other in HID bulbs and other grow lights is because one often has to be foregone or preponderated over since it's hard to combine these frequencies whilst intensifying them with a bulb. LEDs, on the other hand, can be combined in specific frequencies and frequency ratios since they're composed of many small one watt diodes, wasting no energy in the form of light spectrums which plants cannot use. I think that the oft-quoted 15% of light which is actually used by the plant is exaggerated by the LED companies a tad bit; I read somewhere that on average the amount of light wasted in frequencies that plants don't use is actually 30%. It certainly doesn't make sense that so much would be wasted since HIDs are quite effective and considered tried-and-true. But that's still thirty percent which LEDs don't waste.

Thanks for that, starting to make more sense the more I learn here and elsewhere. I found these two articles which helped me understand more, not just about spectrums but also lumens and such. They each touch on LED usage but the knowledge of spectrum and lumen coverage is great.

Article 1
Article 2

Hope you don't think I'm trying to hijack the thread Serapis, just trying to learn and share;-)
Haha well put, serapis and a sophomore in college and own your own home, awesome for you man and yeah I'm growing in a small bedroom closet with the sliding doors open half the time since its my own home as well, but believe you mean someday I will convert a larger closet or build one in the basement that emulates a lot of your ideas, I've said it before and I'll way it again, awesome setup and yeah your one intake and one exhaust vent, man those might be a little overboard... I mean two well installed vents that you successfully kept the light from comin out of, doesn't seem super stealthy at all... Hahahaha keep it up man, can't wait to see these new seeds take and start growing like crazy. I have faith in you and the LEDs, rock em out man
Haha well put, serapis and a sophomore in college and own your own home, awesome for you man and yeah I'm growing in a small bedroom closet with the sliding doors open half the time since its my own home as well, but believe you mean someday I will convert a larger closet or build one in the basement that emulates a lot of your ideas, I've said it before and I'll way it again, awesome setup and yeah your one intake and one exhaust vent, man those might be a little overboard... I mean two well installed vents that you successfully kept the light from comin out of, doesn't seem super stealthy at all... Hahahaha keep it up man, can't wait to see these new seeds take and start growing like crazy. I have faith in you and the LEDs, rock em out man

Thanks for the kind words Blitz! I have a spare bedroom, 10' x 10' that I may use for some grows, but I'll have to go HID on those as the cost to light that room in LED would be astronomical. I'll slowly replace them with newer LEDs when I have to start paying THAT power bill, lol.

all of my friends here are bitter because we have no dank. The ONLY weed in this city is crap schwag.... if any enterprising person wants to make some serious cash, get some product down here pronto! :) I'll be lucky enough if my grows keep me and my buddy in smoke.
Unless you have a major grow op, a closet grow isn't going to pop up on any cameras. Plus, your dryer vent probably pushes out more heat than any room you'd consider growing. Think about it...

Do you seriously think that is the ONLY concern regarding using LED vs HID lights? You haven't read the thread, nor have you a clue. See my post above regarding what you SHOULD do. You need to worry more about the nerd and less about what others do...
Thanks for that, starting to make more sense the more I learn here and elsewhere. I found these two articles which helped me understand more, not just about spectrums but also lumens and such. They each touch on LED usage but the knowledge of spectrum and lumen coverage is great.

Article 1
Article 2

Hope you don't think I'm trying to hijack the thread Serapis, just trying to learn and share;-)

Not at all bro! Thanks for sharing the info!! There is a LOT of interest in LEDs. There is a 300 watter on Craigslist in my area for about 1/3 of what it retails for. I am so tempted to add it too.

Those High Times articles on LEDs are the shiz.... very good reading for anyone that wishes to purchases LEDs but needs more research before they do.
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