drug test soon, and im sick will that effect anything


Well-Known Member
ok so i have a drug test today and i drank about 10 beers on friday, im 6'3" and 240 lbs with plently of fat. So it will be about 110 hours since i drank once i take the test. The thing is, on saturday i got sick and have been since, ive only dranken water yet my piss is really really yellow. more yellow then when im not sick and drink a monster. So i just need some reassurance that ill pass, after 100 hours there no way it could still be in my system right?
Why are you talking about drinking if this is a drug test? Im assuming for bud? You make no sense to me :/ Maybe im just retarded high.

Do you realize how long your body can store cannabinoids? And they are stored in body fat, meaning you hold on to them longer than the skinny guy down the street. head for the nearest head shop or GNC at the mall and request a detox product. Most of them cost about $40....

And you are worried about beer? :roll:
Why the hell are you worried about alcohol appearing in your drug test? As far as I'm aware, alcohol is legal?
Weed on the other hand, not so much.....
those piss tests that look like a home pregnancy test don't test for alcohol and alcohol is gone by the time your not drunk or hungover any more. If you smoke weed though (which i'm assuming you do since you are on this site) that shit can stay in your system a month. Get a detox product like Serapis said. And drink some water.
ur gunna have to store someone elses piss in a small convinient squirt bottle and put it in one of those hand warmers. it has to stay at body temperature or it wont work man. good luck. u can even buy synthetic urine tests online hurry up
IM on probation and i get drug tested twice a week at the court house. It tests for alchohol. I havent smoked weed in a while.