Howard Stern
Well-Known Member
subed I want to see what comes out from this! I may do a side by side on my next beans just to see! Cool info! Thanks!
Thanks sg, not sure that's going to do much though. I'm assuming that was a red laser also? Most lasers in distance measuring tools are rated at less than 1mW, even for the ones that run a couple hundred bucks. The ones you'll find in laser pointers used in business tend to run 3-5mw, sometimes more - you'll want to check the specs of whatever you're using. The latter would be better for these purposes.Using no technique to get tap roots to emerge, I just irradiated 6 big bud seeds, 1 onyx and 1 himalayan blue diesel seed for about 40 seconds each. The laser used is part of a laser distance calculator thingy that is used to measure distances from one point to any flat surface, by Ryobi tools, that I dug up out of my garage...
I'll keep you posted...
I have a 50 mW green laser - will that work?
The primary theory(ies) behind this methodology involve both 1) A (small to moderate amount of) heating of the seeds (and breaking of kinetic equilibrium via em), AND 2) A stimulation of the Phytochrome (Pr) response, which peaks out at 660nm. The lasers used so far run ~633nm, which they've pointed out is only about ~55% efficient in terms of Phytochrome's absorbance at that does it matter whether the laser is red or green? i have a green 20mw. It can project a beam pretty far and makes for fun light saber duels lol. The next step up from mine (from ssame company) will pop balloons. Does the color have much to do with the process as opposed to power?
What method do you use? And what does "ready to go" mean, ready to transplant? Your first set of true leaves in two days?sguardians2 I hate to tell you but I get seeds to germinate in one day and ready to go on day 2 without irradiating.
My results are, so far that seedlings popped in two days and 6 hrs, or 54 hrs, with no pre-germ treatment other than "irradiation", no pre-soak for tap root, just planted in jiffy peat pellets with root hormone powder added to the water. I've never had seeds germinate this fast no matter what other methods I've tried.
Maybe the 6 cluster beam is stronger than a single beam?
Excellent! What temperature are you using? I would note that some of the studies used a lens to spread the light over a large enough area to accommodate the seeds they were using, so perhaps a focused beam at a lower mW would have a similar effect.Update:
Just as I suspected the last two seeds have popped, 72 hrs after planting. 100% germination rate!
I am very pleased with the results so far. We will have to see how these plants respond after they get big enough to transplant into my DWC/Bubbleponics set-up.
But my main interest in this irradiation treatment was germination time and rates, and so far I'm quite impressed.
And if you're happy with your germination rates then there's no reason for you to switch. Experimentation isn't for everyone.sguardians2 I hate to tell you but I get seeds to germinate in one day and ready to go on day 2 without irradiating.
Thank you for that info.All my seeds from Nirvana I have gotten to crack and have a tap in less than 16 hrs. 100% of the time. Most are around 12 hrs. It has to due with genetics I am sure of. But I wanted to see a side by side with this lazer thing to see the veg growth difference.
My method that has been 100% germination is
7 hrs soak in distilled water shot glass, dark and around 80 degrees.
then paper towl method distilled water, dark 80 degrees.
Works every time then I stick them in the dirt 1/4 to 1/2 an inch under CFL's I water the dirt about an hour before I am ready to transplant, then I don't water again for around 5-7 days. They break dirt the next day without fail! I also have them in a humidity dome or have a bag over them.
I don't know the temperature, maybe room temperature? I've never measured the temparature of the laser.Excellent! What temperature are you using? I would note that some of the studies used a lens to spread the light over a large enough area to accommodate the seeds they were using, so perhaps a focused beam at a lower mW would have a similar effect.
I won't be able to compare grow rates this time, I was just attempting something new. But, if this turns out to be one of my best grows, I'll do a controlled experiment on my next grow, raspberry cough, to verify the results.
Here are the first photos, not very good quality on a 3.1 megapixel camera, I broke my viewer on my 10 megapixel camera, and I won't be getting a new one anytime soon so.....
The experiments I read about used 10 milliwatt, red lasers for an average of 20-40 seconds depending on the size of the seed. According to my calculations, a typical 5 mw, made in China hand held laser can be used for 40-60 seconds depending on the thickness of the seeds outer covering and how dark it is. A thin / light colored shell would be irradiated for less than 40 seconds with the laser held at least 1 inch away. (Lasers don't "throw" thermal energy to the focal point of the beam like a lens focused "normal" light source. The thermal energy is constant throughout the beam but the "energy" of the beam in terms of electrons pushing other electrons out of the way is stronger close to the focusing lens which can create more heat than we want or need). Lasers do have a terminus point where the energy of the beam begins to drop off though. Even a 5mw laser can push that energy out to a mile away depending on the atmospheric conditions though so for our purposes 1-2 inches away is fine.Hi
I would like to know more about Exposure Times per seed per Power ratio of the Lazers used ... Few seconds ?... 10 Minz ?
Also the Distence from the seed to fix the lazers , I had a vision after seeing this thread and reading the data , 3 suspended lazer unints attached to a rotating ring , Each lazer passing over a ring odf seeds for short periods of time , I could DIY a set up like this but would need to know more about the power output needed and the time of exposure and distence .
+REP for everyone involved in this experiment so far and for all the data produced ... Thanks guys
Subbed and excited
Mine is green 532 nm (it is used for aligning an astronomical telescope - green is best for that) 50 mW - it is a LIGHT SABRE!!If you happen to have a "wicked" brand laser in red with a 50mw rating the irradiation time would be around 2-4 seconds and even then you might" be cooking the seed more than stimulating it.