Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious


Well-Known Member
depends on how you look at it, we're allowed 6 plants but it is supposed to be 2 in seed/clone, 2 in veg and 2 in flower, since I think I have 2 males I'm technically ok but then the guest came adding 2 more (both females) they were not supposed to stay but had to because of the mites, so yeah a bit of covering my ass going on

I'm chiming in kinda late here Riddleme but where did you come up with that have I never seen or read the 2 clone,2 veg ,2 in flower?
I thought it is stated as 6 plants , 3 mature and 3 immature . So what I see is alot of debate on whether or not to run 3 all the way through so you never have more than 3 mature or immature , or you got the ppl who think because the rule states 6 that your safe running 6 (with no patients yourself as caregiver btw) all the way through . WTF i dont know what to do I want to run 6 but it lingers in the back of my head you know dont want to be the guy who gets made an example out of by the state .

Then ofcourse you got the debate on it states you can have only 2 oz of product . SO we all know that 3 plants will generate more than 2 oz so you got the issue of if your gonna be over 2 oz all the time why not grow out more than 3 or even more than 6 .

KOG confused !


Well-Known Member
I'm chiming in kinda late here Riddleme but where did you come up with that have I never seen or read the 2 clone,2 veg ,2 in flower?
I thought it is stated as 6 plants , 3 mature and 3 immature . So what I see is alot of debate on whether or not to run 3 all the way through so you never have more than 3 mature or immature , or you got the ppl who think because the rule states 6 that your safe running 6 (with no patients yourself as caregiver btw) all the way through . WTF i dont know what to do I want to run 6 but it lingers in the back of my head you know dont want to be the guy who gets made an example out of by the state .

Then ofcourse you got the debate on it states you can have only 2 oz of product . SO we all know that 3 plants will generate more than 2 oz so you got the issue of if your gonna be over 2 oz all the time why not grow out more than 3 or even more than 6 .

KOG confused !
I think if you just have 6 your ok, it seems that the cops are merely counting total plants when they visit from everything I have heard, but it is also better safe than sorry situation that does not seem to have been tested in court? ,,,,,,,,,,,, yet


Well-Known Member
They actually only limit you to half in flowering. If you wanted to keep all 6 vegging they wouldn't care. Also those I've talked with that have had a visit from leo, said they only counted the plants, didn't care about light cycles. Furthermore, it actually says no more than half of your count can be 'mature', which is highly debatable as well. It's certainly not mature 2 weeks into flowering. No one has ever gone to jail or been charged with too many plants in flowering, just being over their plant count.

And the plants look great BTW[/QUOTE

So if I was to run 6 plants all the way through and I get a visit they are only going to count how many plants I have ? And if there s no more than 6 they dont care? I,m really frustrated with this because i want to do six but dont want to jeopordize my license .WTH ?


Well-Known Member
What does that mean under 45 under 20 ?
i think they may have been referring to your signature, you spoofed Bon Jovi's "Blaze of Glory". Or they were speaking of riddleme's songs he did and posted a few weeks back. that is all i can conclude without thewinghunter chiming in. both songs were great. and mozart can tell you, if he was alive, that music really has no age, it is infinite.

edit: i wasnt trying to disrespect either of you, just kidding around this morning. have a good day everyone!!


Anyone heard of what's going on if your dr's rec and app has more than 6. My doc wrote 24 each for me and my lady. So can we have 48 or what?


Well-Known Member
i think they may have been referring to your signature, you spoofed Bon Jovi's "Blaze of Glory". Or they were speaking of riddleme's songs he did and posted a few weeks back. that is all i can conclude without thewinghunter chiming in. both songs were great. and mozart can tell you, if he was alive, that music really has no age, it is infinite.

edit: i wasnt trying to disrespect either of you, just kidding around this morning. have a good day everyone!!

None taken man ! Thats funny because when I came up with that quate I wasn't thinking of Bon Jovi .That term has been aroun longer than they have I was thinking of the Old West .


Well-Known Member
Was just doing a read Riddleme, found it through some links u posted on calcined clay which lead me to this read from a Manufactuer of calcined clay for various applications including horticulture . They claim it works well in an 1 to 1 ration in an peat medium.

This is where I read it >>>>>>>

They reccomend 3/8 size for horticulture which is about the size of Hydroton but whats the deal with hydroton having the outer orange layer and this stuff doesnt it looks like the inside of hydroton when u bust it open wander what the difference is mabey there is data on cation ,porisity etc on both products that can be compared I would assume you have seen the numbers on what your using .Ever come across the 1 to 1 ratio ?


Well-Known Member
Was just doing a read Riddleme, found it through some links u posted on calcined clay which lead me to this read from a Manufactuer of calcined clay for various applications including horticulture . They claim it works well in an 1 to 1 ration in an peat medium.

This is where I read it >>>>>>>

They reccomend 3/8 size for horticulture which is about the size of Hydroton but whats the deal with hydroton having the outer orange layer and this stuff doesnt it looks like the inside of hydroton when u bust it open wander what the difference is mabey there is data on cation ,porisity etc on both products that can be compared I would assume you have seen the numbers on what your using .Ever come across the 1 to 1 ratio ?
1 to 1 would be 50%, I'm doing 30% and no I did not read the package, I prolly should?


Well-Known Member
Well from reading on it I can see why you choose it . But from what i noticed at that site they basically process the raw form and break it down to differnt sizes . None of it has the outer layer .I,m still trying to look some more info up on this but I ,m thinking the outer layer is mabey to keep it from realesing small particles as for its designed to be used in hydroponics and small particles would clog pumps/drippers/sprayhead etc . So given that I wander what effect it gives using it in a soiless medium, does it perform as well without the outer layer ,should there not be an outer layer in a soiless mix . See where I,m going with this ?


Well-Known Member
I see what your saying, I was originally going to use Turface which is very cheap $8 for 50lbs but same thing, just various sized pieces, Once I found cheap hydrotron balls at American Clay I switched and went with it, at 30% in my 4, 5 gallon buckets only used half of the bag so I'm happy :)


Well-Known Member
Well cool can,t wait to see the results . I read that turface is kinda got some weight to it and is unfavorable in containers.


Well-Known Member
well it had to happen and it took awhile LOL pouring lots of water thru buckets is so much fun :)

in the pics you can see my drainage system working :)

and the leaves drooping, just like we like to see (means we did it right)



Well-Known Member
got the heat mat temp control thingy set up and filled tray with sand and added water

to the water (1 gallon) I added 8 drops of chlorine bleach and 1 drop of superthrive

let the tray heat up :)

Gotta cut a few tops off the guest cause they just keep growing :hump:

and gonna top #4 again to bring it back down with the others

soak them in the chlorine water for 30 minutes, add root hormone put em in the sand



Well-Known Member
turn the IR heater on set it for 85 and wait, come back an hour later and no more droopy leaves, bitches are gettin jiggy with it, so much fun to watch em do this, they love the rain

