Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

Finally! I got that mandala poliinated with, CM,ST,Man1. Pollinated Cm with CM.Polinating whitewidow tonight with CM. I will pollinate trainwreck and alaska next weekend!.

collecting pollen as I type.
KB im new to outdoor growing.. I've harvested 3 smaller crops indoors, but have never even tried growing outside untill this year. I have a question for you bro.. I live in Indiana and put my clones out the first week of May. Im growing A.M.S. its a indica sativa mix from Dr. Chronic.. My girls are doing awesome there nice and bushy and almost 4 feet tall. They just showed there pistils the beg of last week. Im worried they wont have enough time to flower properly before the 1st frost comes in october. The light wont be 12 12 here untill the end of september.. I have them in pots so I can move them to a dark room if need be, but I honestly dont wanna transport them in and out of my barn every day.. Im also worried about placing trash bags or a tarp over them incase Im running late for work and dont have time to stop by and take it off every morning.. What are your thoughts on this. Will they flower ok and be ready to harvest by 1st frost and if not What would be the best way to remedy this problem.. Thanks in advance for any advice anyone cares to offer...

well my strains are already in flower but they are early finishers (end of sept) most strains however tend to finish beg-mid october really you still have a little bit of time for your girls to kick into gear before its too late your a little further south than me and have a little extra time before it gets too cold..Also alotof strians can handle the first frost as well, this will give most strains alot of color (blue, red, purple) are you sure that the pistils your seeing are not the very beggining of flower? the first week you really cant tell at all and with some strains samewith the second, basicly for me by the time I can really say yea these girls are flowering it's usually alredy their 2nd week...so long as your flowering time is between 50-60 days you should be alright from now I have three strains outside right now 1 is in it's 2nd-3rd week, another just starting, and one that wont start for a week, my finishing times will be around sept 20-25 for the 1st, oct 10, and then oct 20 (which is very late) Als a big thing to remember that most ppl dont know is not every strain NEEDS 12/12 to flower others can flower with as little as 9 hours of dark which is how you get early finishing strains, this doesn't mean however that a 7 week (50-55 day)strain will be done in sept either it all depends on how much dark time it needs to trigger it and most seed companys now dont have the time to test this or even grow outside because of laws/prohibition IMO I'd just keep a clos eye on them and if you have to finish them off inside if you can or cut them a week early...if the temps get below 40F at night and days are no more than 55F the plant isn't growing anymore anyways..but we've also had record breaking summer so longer strains may make it this year!

trash bag could fuck you hard too if you forget it'll be hotter than hell inside that bag on an 80 degree day..just take some pictures post um here and everyone here will help you out no problem we'll be able to tell you where you at and if you got time

RZZA I wouldn't advise putting them out that early start them inside and keep tem there until may 20th so long as you start them inside a month or so ahead of time you'll get some sizable plants.. I put 5 out may 10th this year farmers almanac said it was way past last frost and I got nailed...so next year im waiting until may 20th tho i'll also be growing in my backyard in a fenced in area and be having some 3-3.5 ft plants going out by then bigger is better for next year gonna try to double my yeild...already have 4 patients lined up too!!! gonna do half inside and half outside
oh and chopped my indoor stuff didnt have the camera with me forgot it but I did snap a few bud shots I'll throw up lookslike I got about 1.5-2 oz per plant with the T8 lights which is damn good for those lihts I was thinking more like 1 oz per plant...shit its only like 150w they claim 20,000 lumens dont know about that tho...

I'll get some pics and another vid up soon!

looks like I also wont be buying spin pro right off the bat wich kinda makes me mad...fucking HATE the trim work me and th old lady trimmed for an hour last night and shes like so how mch will it be to do your outdoor plants i'm like well what we just did is a lower branch off one of the big girls..shes like how many! she didnt realize for like 5 minutes I was dead serious or belive me when i told her it woud take 2 days with a group to trim that shit by hand
are you a topless female? thats all im hiring for now
Ok thanks KB ill get some pictures up tomorrow. Im almost thinking this week was its first week of flower but I'll let you guys tell me.. Its an 8 week finisher so if it is in flower now I should be fine.. I looked in the farmers almanac and the avg. 1st frost here is oct. 20th.. Ill get them pics up to tomorrow.. thanks again
hey guys how they hanging? well I am about 95% sure the ST pollen was not ready "I really rushed it anyway" I guess I will hafta wait till late this week and try and pollinate those plants that will be ready at the end of sept with the ST male"sucks". all other male pollen was viable!! browning hairs everywhere!!.

so, so far so good those earlier varieties are starting to pack on the crystals and weight!. I could get high as hell from those mandala1 buds already, will post some pics of the progress soon.
if the pollen sacks were open or not, and it was powdery it should do the trick...the hairs you put the pollen on should "die" (turn brown/red) then you know if the pollen has slid down the hair and into the calyx...i always double nut tho..just to get my point across ...LOL...

yea got some GWS dried and curing and even now it's a tad bit moist from being in the jar it still smokes smooth as hell and is VERY potent due to high CBD content I harvested a little early (clear/mostly milky trichomes) I like my weed to be able to be smoked all day while still packing a kick in the dick later on...but deff impressed with this strain. I even had an old timer smoke some and tell me "I've never smoked weed like that in my life! your either real lucky or really know what your doing" cracked me up, another buddy of mine who I had given clone grew it out and was disapointed in it..until he smoked mine..the kid has ruined the names of like 5 good strain by not knowing how to grow

I'll take some beautiful half naked wemen for "trim" party ... LOL

I will be needing an extra hand I was out at the patch with my old man and he hasnt seen plants since he was 25-30 and his jaw dropped when he seen the 9-10ft bushes...he's like shit back in the day and even the recent plants I've ever seen were like a branch off of these...Hes like you deff got the work cut out for ya..I want sme help but at the same time I dont wanna pay ppl to do it nor let a few extra ppl know whats going on that dont already

Good Luck KB
I have been thinking about harvest myself (It alot of work) I do all my trimming by hand this will be my first "Big" harvest outdoors so even thou I know it will be alot of work Im sure im under estimateing it
This is why we do what we do
no the pollen sacks were not open... they were close just not close enough,so I cut the sacks with some scissors and hoped for the best lol. I have done this before just indoors. I knew that the chances were slim to none with that pollen.. Today I went out and cut some more tops,the bottoms are opening this time so now I know the ST pollen will be viable, got the sacks currently sitting in a red bowl. If I see yellow dust in the bowl ruesday I will go out and try one more and last time to get some of ST jizz on that perfect mandala pheno before it is too late.

If I cant get this mandala pollinated in time I know for a fact that I will have a hundred ST seeds at the end of summer,and I already have 2 clones of this mandala pheno a a foot tall... so I will try again next yer with the cross only difference I will have a couple ST males in planters that I will make ready...so we will see

as I said before this is the first time I have bred outdoors and after this year if I choose to do it again someday there will be very minimal mistakes made due to trial and error. I aint no retart thats for sure even though this is a first I will have a hell of selection of seeds to choose from next year. I wanted to grow ST snd mandala cross.

These are the pics I just took tonight of one of my girls.. What do you guys think is she in flower yet or still in preflower.. Think im gonna have time to bud her before the frost gets here..?
Dave, She is AMS, its suppose to be a 50% indica and 50% sativa mix.. The green house says average flowering is 8 weeks. Thats gonna put her finish date around the 2nd week in october so I think I should beat the frost.. Avg 1st frost where im at is october 20th.. thanks dave
Mare you'll be fine, those plants are flowering and prob have 6-8 weeks left. Plus if there's one cold night in early October, its not the end of the world, as long as it heats up a bit the next day and doesn't keep getting real cold for days in a row, the soil temperature is important too.
Cool thanks fire..thats a relief to hear.. If you all have never grown AMS before I would highly recomend it.. It's pretty much been a hassle free strain.. It takes nutes well and when it rained every day for 2 weeks it didnt seem to mind all the water one bit.. I have a number of plants outdors and have not lost the 1st one.. considering this is my first outdoor grow ever im extremly happy with this strain.. As long as it smokes as good as it grows I think im gonna stick with this strain for next year also..
if the pollen sacks were open or not, and it was powdery it should do the trick...the hairs you put the pollen on should "die" (turn brown/red) then you know if the pollen has slid down the hair and into the calyx...i always double nut tho..just to get my point across ...LOL...

yea got some GWS dried and curing and even now it's a tad bit moist from being in the jar it still smokes smooth as hell and is VERY potent due to high CBD content I harvested a little early (clear/mostly milky trichomes) I like my weed to be able to be smoked all day while still packing a kick in the dick later on...but deff impressed with this strain. I even had an old timer smoke some and tell me "I've never smoked weed like that in my life! your either real lucky or really know what your doing" cracked me up, another buddy of mine who I had given clone grew it out and was disapointed in it..until he smoked mine..the kid has ruined the names of like 5 good strain by not knowing how to grow

I'll take some beautiful half naked wemen for "trim" party ... LOL

I will be needing an extra hand I was out at the patch with my old man and he hasnt seen plants since he was 25-30 and his jaw dropped when he seen the 9-10ft bushes...he's like shit back in the day and even the recent plants I've ever seen were like a branch off of these...Hes like you deff got the work cut out for ya..I want sme help but at the same time I dont wanna pay ppl to do it nor let a few extra ppl know whats going on that dont already


haha i took my dad to my shop and showed him mine, he reacted about the same way lol. not from the size obviously but hes never seen buds as pretty as qwerkle:)