if the pollen sacks were open or not, and it was powdery it should do the trick...the hairs you put the pollen on should "die" (turn brown/red) then you know if the pollen has slid down the hair and into the calyx...i always double nut tho..just to get my point across ...LOL...
yea got some GWS dried and curing and even now it's a tad bit moist from being in the jar it still smokes smooth as hell and is VERY potent due to high CBD content I harvested a little early (clear/mostly milky trichomes) I like my weed to be able to be smoked all day while still packing a kick in the dick later on...but deff impressed with this strain. I even had an old timer smoke some and tell me "I've never smoked weed like that in my life! your either real lucky or really know what your doing" cracked me up, another buddy of mine who I had given clone grew it out and was disapointed in it..until he smoked mine..the kid has ruined the names of like 5 good strain by not knowing how to grow
I'll take some beautiful half naked wemen for "trim" party ... LOL
I will be needing an extra hand I was out at the patch with my old man and he hasnt seen plants since he was 25-30 and his jaw dropped when he seen the 9-10ft bushes...he's like shit back in the day and even the recent plants I've ever seen were like a branch off of these...Hes like you deff got the work cut out for ya..I want sme help but at the same time I dont wanna pay ppl to do it nor let a few extra ppl know whats going on that dont already