second try, 3 plants


Well-Known Member
well my first try at growing didn't end the best way so i'm trying again. i made a grow box out of a dresser for this one and i am going to get 2 more lights sometime next week. these bag seeds just sprouted today and i'm starting off at 24/7 lighting. i'm going to try and make this a quick grow so i'm only going to veg for about 3 weeks. i'm going to change to 18/6 lighting about 11 days in. this is just bag seed so i hope i get at least 1 female. hopefully this time i can get them done all the way through!



Well-Known Member
What kind of specie are these?
no idea just some bag seed out of a corn bag. if it's corn that's fine by me, will be some good corn.

i hope these come out good. i'm using sunshine soil instead of MG because MG kinda fucked me on my last grow. hopefully this soil will work better, i've heard good things about it.


Well-Known Member
so they're going up pretty fast. stretching a bit for the lights i need to move them down, but they look good. 1 is the biggest and 2 then 3 follow. 1 is tall and getting big, it's on the move!

when would be a good time to add nutes? how young can they be before they should get their first nute fix?



Active Member
so they're going up pretty fast. stretching a bit for the lights i need to move them down, but they look good. 1 is the biggest and 2 then 3 follow. 1 is tall and getting big, it's on the move!

when would be a good time to add nutes? how young can they be before they should get their first nute fix?
Nice lookin lil babies, Gr33n. Hey man, wait til the cotyledons begin to turn yellow, about 2nd or 3rd set of leaves.
The cotyledons are the first little round leaves you see when the babies first sprout. They contain all the nutrition the baby needs for the first couple weeks.
When you do start givin some nutes, go lightly... Half strength of what the label says at most. :)


Well-Known Member
My advice is not to feed until the very first signs of deficiency. You don't force the plant to need nutes, it grows at it's own pace.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the comments guys.

Nice lookin lil babies, Gr33n. Hey man, wait til the cotyledons begin to turn yellow, about 2nd or 3rd set of leaves.
The cotyledons are the first little round leaves you see when the babies first sprout. They contain all the nutrition the baby needs for the first couple weeks.
When you do start givin some nutes, go lightly... Half strength of what the label says at most. :)
alrighty man i was wondering what the cotyledons were for and why they were round. i was planning on using less than an 1/8th for the first nute feed...not sure if i'm going to do 2 nute feeds yet. i am going to try and get these flowered and all the way through the process so i can get the experience. thanks for your help man


Well-Known Member
well i gave them their first nute fix yesterday(literally a pinch of nute to 2 cups of water) and last night i turned off the lights. going at 18/6 for a few weeks then i'll start flowering. i'm trying to save up for some fans for the box and a carbon filter before i start to flower so my place doesn't stink up. the box size is right around 30" X 30" X 18". what size inlet/outlet fans should i get for that. i'll have a small 4" fan at the bottom moving some air up to the top as well.

here's how they're doing now. #2 seems to be doing the best out of all of them. #1 stopped stretching so that's good and #3 is taking it's time.



Active Member
That 1 fan might do it man. if anything i would get another 4 inch fan. how are they doing now btw? its been a week since you posted last. im interested to see your new growth.


Well-Known Member
That 1 fan might do it man. if anything i would get another 4 inch fan. how are they doing now btw? its been a week since you posted last. im interested to see your new growth.
yeah i'm going to get another fan and make a carbon filter so it won't stink up my place.

well i've been pretty busy lately with school and work...2 of them didn't make it...i think it was due to not enough air getting through the soil (it was pretty dense when i took them out of the pots) and i didn't have bigger pots to transplant them to. the 3rd one is doing pretty well. i went ahead and started flowering it on the 9th after it had been in veg about 20 days. now 5 days into flowering and it looks like it's doing alright. going to get some nutes for it soon, anyone have any recommendations for good flowering nutes?



Well-Known Member
can anyone confirm this or is it too early to tell? i'm 95% it's male but just want to make sure


Well-Known Member
so the plant has been in flowering for a month and 5 days and it's touching the top of my box. will this mess with the growing or anything? is there anything i can do to somehow switch this?

the plant is growing well though...i think it may have stretched a little though. starting to smell so i'm working on a carbon filter and should have it installed and finished this weekend. since i only have 1 plant do i need a really big filter? i imagine something small will work just fine for it.



Well-Known Member
i'm not sure if i can, or should do it this late but should i top off my plant? it has no more room to grow upwards and i'm not sure what will happen to it if i don't do anything. can anybody please give me some advice about this? i have searched but found no situation like this.