Can't figure out.


Active Member
Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this plant? I'v looked around and can't quite figure it out.

bag seed, indoor, ~75-80 degF, 8 weeks into flower, low pH below 6.8 (bad strips), MG soil with a recent flush to get rid of the rest of the nutes, using cfls three 2300k and one 6500k.

started feeding MG bloom boaster at about 1/4 strength (dont think its the nutes just started adding thinking it was deficiency),

Fist attempt. i know more now 2nd time will be much better.

Thanks for any advice. :-?
looks to me to be p deficiency from the bronzy purple spots. are the veins under the leaf red? if so, ide go with p def. since you are flowing now. solution~ ph down to 5.5-6.5 to make p available (check runoff ph) and fert with a high p solution. are your buds a little small too? another sign...


New Member
Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this plant? I'v looked around and can't quite figure it out.

bag seed, indoor, ~75-80 degF, 8 weeks into flower, low pH below 6.8 (bad strips), MG soil with a recent flush to get rid of the rest of the nutes, using cfls three 2300k and one 6500k.

started feeding MG bloom boaster at about 1/4 strength (dont think its the nutes just started adding thinking it was deficiency),

Fist attempt. i know more now 2nd time will be much better.

Thanks for any advice. :-?
Get your PH up to at least 6.5 for soil or you are locking out some vital nutes.