Should i put dreadlocks in my hair?

Doobie Doober

Active Member
I was thinking about putting some dreadlocks in my hair for two reasons, first is to keep it out of my eyes, and second is to look more different then other white people. Im not a whigger, and i have nothing against them or black people. I love black people. But i just wanna do this for those two reasons. My hair is already down to my shoulders so is there a way to put the dreads in without starting over?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about putting some dreadlocks in my hair for two reasons, first is to keep it out of my eyes, and second is to look more different then other white people. Im not a whigger, and i have nothing against them or black people. I love black people. But i just wanna do this for those two reasons. My hair is already down to my shoulders so is there a way to put the dreads in without starting over?
Do a test run on your pubes to see if you like it or not.;-)

Doobie Doober

Active Member
You guys are so nice....but anyway, i think i might just dread 2 big ones or 4 small ones in the front to keep it out of my eyes. Think that would be good?


I have had dreads for 3 years now (and im white). Don't do the not washing method unless you really wanna look like a dirty hippy. Search google for dreadworx or another uk dreadlock site and get a real kit with the instructions.

BTW dread will take more maintinace for them to look good than any other hair style (and will look bad for the first 3 months no matter what). If you don't fancy the time and effort i wouldn't bother. Then again with only a couple in your hair it would be a lot easier.

Doobie Doober

Active Member
Yea im gonna use the back brushing method, think ill put some black ruberbands on them. I dont know why some of you say they look bad, tell me if you think this chick looks bad


Well-Known Member
i had my dreads since 14, really helps you too fit in and be seen as unique. for the first few weeks they stink and look like shit but with proper care they look good as hell. specially when walkin down a nice quiet road at night witha fat zoob in ur hand. they also looked great when i got out of the sea in cyprus. its a journey, part of self discovrery, i think the more ive learnt in life the more theyv grown. they are also a great indicator of maturity.