First Grow - 2x White Widow under 250W


I started adding some Mild Molasses (Couldn't find blackstrap) to my waterings. 1 tsp per 1.5L.
I also purchased some Canna Bio Boost I'll start adding in about a week. I figured I'd just stick with the Canna Bio line since that's what I've been running.

I'm having some issues with leaves curling in though. Any ideas what these are an indicator of?



The "claw" problem became much more widespread today. I just now flushed/leeched each of the girls with 8-9 gallons of tap water each. After most of that excess drained out, I added 750ml water with half strength BioFlores & Molasses to each.

I'll post updated pics in a day or two once I determine how they are going to react to this adventure. Hopefully favorably :)


Interestingly, my girls have not been smelling lately. However, tonight after flushing the smell is BAAAAAAD. Hopefully that is a sign they are on the road to thriving again :)


Really nice bro! Keep it uppp. I'm not really educated enough to start growing whatsoever, but they look good. Minus the "claw" problem.


I started 12/12 on 7/26, so it's been 22 days.

Updated pics taken today. I'm trying some LST on the taller girl because I'm tired of moving the light up, and I'm tired of stacking books under the smaller girl to keep them the same height. The taller one is still growing daily, but has less bud activity.

They seem to have responded fairly well to the flush. Not all of the "claws" have straightened out, but some of them seem to have.

SDC13269.jpgSDC13269 copy.JPG


Once the medium dries out from the flush (still very wet) I'll administer the first BioBoost dose. I'm hoping to see some buds take off from that. :)


After flushing I noticed some yellowing of leave edges. I'm guessing this might be due to chlorine toxicity since I used tap water... I wasn't going to let 18 gallons sit around to burn off chlorine.

I administered the first dose of Bio Boost today with the minimal dosage listed on the bottle (it gives a range).

Some yellowing:



There was some definite whole-leaf yellowing of the lower half portion of the taller girl. I attributed this to Nitrogen deficiency due to the flush, so I gave her another 1/2 dose of Bio Flores.

I'm a little concerned with the pot size for the taller one especially. I've tied her into an S shape, but if I let her continue vertically she'd probably be pushing about 4-4.5 feet, and she's in a 3 gallon pot. Too late to do anything about it now probably.


So you saying you wont be able to transplant because its in flower?
The taller girl is tied down in 3 places to the pot (via screws in the pot) and her stem is pretty tough by now. I'm afraid to do the transplant because she's so big and she's tied down. I'd probably break her :) She's very unweildy to move around lol...


27 days flowering. I look at other people's pictures and these girls seem a little behind on flower development sometimes. Maybe it's just my doting father feelings :)

Here are some pics from today:



30 Days from switching to 12/12.
Do folks around here start counting days in flowering since switching to 12/12 or since sex is shown? Just curious... I guess I've been counting since switching the lights.

If you look closely at the photo with both plants, you can see the S shaped stem on the taller one. It curves to the right then sharply over to the left. The colas are right near each other because of that.



Well-Known Member
heyy watsup man. nice lookin plants. =) wat company is it from?? i grew sum a couple times. i got mine from Nirvana.. adn was VERY VERY VERY impressed with it!! yeaa i wanna say that ur plants are a little behind... =/ but its fine. not a big deal, might jsut take a lil longer to finish. alotta white widow plants take about 10 weeks to flower.. (mine was only 8) but it will be well worth it.. trust me! =) and yeaa transplanting during flowering isnt good.. cuz it can stress her out and cause her to hermie on ya... i had this same problem with my 1st grow... and soo i have a solution for ya.. do u have another 3 gal pot anywhere?? if so fill that up with soil almsot all the way.. maybe 3/4 of the way.. then... ( as long as the one the platns in now is plastic) just get a rzor blade or scissors.. and balance the potted plant on ur knee or on sumthings.. and cut the bottom part of the pot off... jsut go all the way around.. exposing the roots... and then stick it in the new pot with new soil.. might look a lil ghetto, but that will give her a few more gallons to stretch her roots in.. adn should help speed things up for ya... another lil tip is wen u do cut the bottom of the pot off.. get ur scissors and make a few SMALL cuts into the roots to loosen them up a bit.. this will help promote new root growth.. ur down wanna like.. hack it all up. lol. only go like 1/2 inch into the soil.. and only make like 4 or 5 cuts. maybe one at the top/bottom/left/right and then 1 in the middle...

hoefully sumthin in that long run-on sentence/paragraph theres sumtin useful to ya. lol. heres a link to my 1st WW grow.. the 1st link is after my harvest.. and after the buds cured for a week or so... adn the 2nd link will be the actual harvest... u can go through th ewhole thing if ya get bored.. theres alotta useful info in there. adn if u need any help with anything.. just ask or private message me. =) heres the links (and PS... my new journal.. im growing nirvana's super skunk &blue venom (blueberry x white widow)... u can click on my signature to check that out if u want.) <------- Buds after curing <------- Harvest Pics (so u have an idea of what to look forward to)


I didn't think about just cutting out the bottom and adding another pot, lol good idea. I don't think I have the height for it, I'll check when I get home, but good idea even if I can't do it :)

I got my seeds from I didn't know much about growing when I ordered my seeds, so just kinda went to the first place that looked good on Google.

Thanks for the link to your grow, I'll definitely check that out to see how your WWs progressed. Just from looking real quick it looks like you got a really nice yield!


I don't have enough room to implement the pot-on-pot plan. Oh well I'll let these girls finish in what they're in and do better next time.

I took 4 clones today, 2 from each plant. I planted 1 of each in rock wool and 1 of each in soil (Ocean Forest). They will have a long ways to go to root and re-veg, but I hope they make it so I know I'll be growing females next time. I still need to setup a space for them to grow, I'm thinking of buying a 2 or 4 bulb T5 setup to go under the sink.



34 Days since switching to 12/12. The taller one is really lagging behind. I think she's just had a harder life. I only started with 2 seeds though, and both turned out female so I won't complain even if she only gives a little bit. :)




Well-Known Member
awww thats too bad man.... =/ well i got another idea. wwell... its kinda the same.. lol. but it u can get like a pan or sumthing.. almost sumthin like a cat box... and fill it up with soil? that way the roots can still grow.. they can grow down adn then out to the left and right. =)

if u want.. u can go to fdd's thread again.. and ask him if he has any idea for ya.. hes smart. im sure he can come up with a better idea. =) still... lookin good man.


Active Member
I dunno about transplanting during flowering, training during flowering, or cloning either. Taking clones during flowering, and exposing them to 12/12 will make them grow really slowly and such...

If you're adding molasses and looking to up your flowering nutes, I'd recommend making a good Guano/molasses tea for that...Perhaps use some high phosphorus bat guanos. As for blackstrap, that name doesnt really mean anything other than that the molasses is the darkest, unsulphered stuff.

Are you using any Micro-organism/Micorrizhals in your soil mix? you might consider that....Using good organic soils and nutrients can lower the risk of defficiancies and whatnot.

Your plants look very strong, and that one has a good dense colla.