Late Season Easy Ryder (Auto AK47 x Low Ryder #2) Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, thanks for joining me in my late season auto grow! I harvested a little known auto called Low Girl from Advanced Seeds back in early July and liked it so much I decided to squeeze another auto grow in this season. The yield was pathetic, only about 1/8 dry, but the smoke was surprisingly potent with a very piney taste. I planted the Low Girl pretty much just in the middle of the woods with maybe 2-3hrs of direct sunlight a day, but this time I have a much better spot with plenty of light. I hope to do much better this time. These are already bigger at one month old than the Low Girl was when I picked it at 2 months. My main grow is still in the grow journal forum, but I thought I would start a separate thread to help keeps things more organized.

Well, lets get started!

Like I said, I'm growing Easy Ryder from the Joint Doctor. I didn't really feel like digging anymore holes this season, so I decided to go with buckets this time. The 3 seeds were germinated about a month ago using the paper towel method. Some people like to wait until the taproot gets about 1/2" long, but generally I plant as soon as the seed cracks. I think it's a little easier to plant and lowers the chance of damaging the taproot that way. The seeds were planted in Pro-Mix in 9oz party cups. Before moving them outside, they were grown under 2 2' 6500K daylight T8 fluoros. Earlier in the season, I used the 4200K bulbs that came with the fixtures. They did ok, but they grew significantly faster and stayed bushier with the new 6500K bulbs. The new bulbs were DEFINITELY worth the $14 investment.

After about 3 weeks, the plants showed sex and 2 were taken out to the patch with the 3rd going out a few days later. Unfortunately, when the plants were around 2 weeks old I went on a last minute trip to the beach and they got a little heat stressed/burned. One was relatively unharmed, but two had some burned leaves. I actually thought the one might not make it, but they all pulled through nicely. Hopefully it doesn't affect the yield too much.

For nutrients, I'm using the Botanicare Pure Blend Pro line. I skipped the Grow going straight to the Bloom at 1/2 strength after 3 weeks. I plan on feeding once a week at 1/2-3/4 strength unless the plants tell me otherwise. It doesn't seem like autos need much. I'm still on the fence about the whole molasses thing. I'm not 100% sure if it helps and I don't want to attract bugs or possibly animals since this is an outdoor grow. 2 of the plants look almost identical, so I'm considering maybe using it on one and comparing the results.

The first pics were taken exactly two weeks ago (2 days before moving outside) with the second set taken exactly one week ago. They really blew up once I moved them out. I wanted to get some new ones today, but it's been raining all day long. Going to try tomorrow if it isn't raining.



Well-Known Member
Nice, I have the first seat!

Plants look amazing so far Sonar, I'm subbed!

I agree about the molasses, I wouldn't take the chance them being outdoor plants.. We both know its hard enough to keep the bugs away.

WoW those things did blow up! How long to flower those babies?


Well-Known Member
Hey Smelly good to have you aboard. I think you're right, any potential benefit from molasses probably isn't worth the risk outside. I'm going to check up on it though.

As for the flowering time, half the reason I got this strain is because it say on the Attitude website that they finish 7 weeks from seeds. When they arrived they came in a little packet with the stats and it says the 7 weeks is just the flowering time and that they usually run 10 weeks from seed. Sooo, I'm probably looking at mid to late September. It isn't set in stone though, if they look like they are done sooner or need longer then I'll pick accordingly. Since they are outside, I think they will finish sooner since the light where I live is like 14/10. The Joint Doctor guide recommends not going below 18/6 indoors because it will shorten the already short life and decrease yield.

Here they are at just around 5 weeks. I didn't take a measurement but the bigger two are probably about 18" tall with the 3rd being just over a foot. I think they are looking pretty good. This strain has pretty good branching and already seeing a little bit of trichs. It's been raining off and on since yesterday so I have to wait til they dry out to feed them.

Easy Ryder 1.jpgEasy Ryder 1 top.jpgEasy Ryder 2.jpgEasy Ryder 3.jpg


im in for the ride. i am planning a out door grow in the next couple of months[its spring here in september down in oz] and i think this journal will really help. there is not many outdoor grows with autos here on roll it up, which is a shame as i feel that this is where auto's really excell.good luck with it all, and don't be shy with pics.


Well-Known Member
Pull up a chair man! I agree, I think outdoors is the best application for autos. I keep a fairly detailed log and get pictures up at least once a week, so don't worry about that.

Questions, comments, or complaints are always welcome.


New Member
Oh dude looking good. Ive always wanted to grow auto's and soon i might thanks to a mate in the UK.

I agree autos ore perfect for outdoors !!

I think this is the best way to grow autos buy starting them of in cups ^^^. but people still say transplanting autos is not good.

Can you grow these 12/12 light from seed ???

good job mate and good luck !


Well-Known Member
Yeah I like the little 9oz plastic party cups. For regular plants I'd probably start them out in the full sized 16oz ones though. I used to use those Jiffy peat pots, but they lose too much water due to evaporation since they are absorbent. I haven't experienced any problems transplanting them. I probably wouldn't do it more than once though. The problem with planting seeds directly in their large, final pots is that the soil never dries out because seedling don't use that much water.

You don't need to set autos to 12/12. The whole point of autos is that they flower on any light schedule wthout the need to go 12/12. Mine actually showed sex at 2 1/2 weeks and starting flowering shortly after while they were still in my seedling closet with the lights at 18/6. Now that I think about it, if I ever do autos again I'm probably going to run them at 20/4.

I don't think I'd ever do autos indoors though. While they are a lot of fun to grow, I think I'd get much better results with non autos flipped to 12/12 about 2-3 weeks after germination. They would probably take a little longer to finish, but I think the yield would be much better and the seeds aren't nearly as expensive. If things go well with these Easy Ryders, I'm probably going to do a bunch outdoors again next year along with my regular plants. Nothing beats fresh bud in July!


Well-Known Member
I never did a 12/12 from seed grow. I was thinking about it a few months ago and was strongly encouraged by a vet not to. He said even letting it veg for only 2-3 weeks prior to 12/12 is well worth the extra time. I have not experience with it though, just taking his word for it.


Well-Known Member
yeah autoflowering strains are great, I got some ganja dwarf seeds from ams that are finishing in about a week or two.Im not even joking theyre the smallest plants 5 turned out about a foot or so tall, and 5 ended up 6 inches or less, with the smallest one being less than 4 inches. the genetics for alot of autoflowers are still shifty...the seeds i ordered were all feminized and 100 percent germ rate tho.

but i started them indoors and brought them out after about a month and they are mostly doing fine, despite the shitty genetics i recieved.


Well-Known Member
New pics a few days early. I have a sick plant so wanted go out to check up on her and figured I'd snap a few off. Can't tell from the pics, but they are really starting to get frosty.:mrgreen:

easy 1.jpgeasy 1 top.jpgeasy 2.jpgeasy 3.jpg
yeah, im growing some autos this year. i have onyx growing outdoor, its growing pretty good so far, only about 3weeks old so far, i started them late. there all 6"-8". there already covered in hairs and bud sites, and the trics are coming in heavy too. ill try to get a pic up later if anyone would want to see it...onyx is white russian/ak-47/diesel...ive never tried any of these strains before, so im interested in seeing the currently growing a mountain mist x homegrown cross that is high yielding and finishes quickly for my usual grow.


Well-Known Member
Cool man throw some pics up! Are they the short stuff from the august attitude promo? These Easy Ryders are just about 6 weeks old. So far I'm pretty satisfied with the results. Hoping they finish in 3-4 weeks, which will still be before my regular plants.


Well-Known Member
hey sonar lookin good man. a friend did some easy ryders indoors on 12/12 because he had a bunch of reg strains under his light too, but he let them go for about 110-115 days from seed and ended up pulling a oz and a half dry off one and about a half oz off the other two.

someone else

Active Member
Really like your grow here Sonar, very nice.

I'm growing in buckets too, and am thinking your strain might just be perfect for buckets since the plants don't get too huge.

I had a question: you said you liked the high from them and that's why you are doing them again.

Could you give us a more detailed description on how the high was compared to other weed you've smoked? Just trying to gauge how strong these are.

The auto strains are usually mixed with a Ruderalis strain. I've heard mixed reviews on Ruderalis mixed plants...and was curious what you thought about them.

Keep up the great work, I'm subbed and will be watching! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Really like your grow here Sonar, very nice.

I'm growing in buckets too, and am thinking your strain might just be perfect for buckets since the plants don't get too huge.

I had a question: you said you liked the high from them and that's why you are doing them again.

Could you give us a more detailed description on how the high was compared to other weed you've smoked? Just trying to gauge how strong these are.

The auto strains are usually mixed with a Ruderalis strain. I've heard mixed reviews on Ruderalis mixed plants...and was curious what you thought about them.

Keep up the great work, I'm subbed and will be watching! :bigjoint:
Well two of the buckets are 2 gallon I bought at the hardware store. They are just like you standard 5 gallon bucket but smaller. They were more expensive than I thought, so I ended up picking up the 3rd bucket somewhere else for $1. I'm pretty sure it's a 2.5 gallon wash bucket. Not as strong, but it'll do the job.

As for the smoke, I grew a different strain called Low Girl. I had it in a pretty lousy spot, so I only got about 1/8 from it, but it was as good as anything you'd pay $50 an 1/8 from the local dealer. I went to check on it after about 7 weeks and something ate literally all the fan leaves. I figured I'd pick it then in case whatever was eating it decided to come back and finish it off, so it was a little early. It could have used another 2 weeks I think. It was still pretty good though. I posted a full smoke report here if you wanna check it out.

Advanced Seeds Low Girl

The "cliff notes" version is that it was a nice uplifting high. I wouldn't say it was "racey", which I hate, but it was really good "party smoke", which I like. The kind of stuff you can smoke during the day and still function or pass around at a party and not have to worry about everyone getting anxious or falling asleep, haha. It was perfect for me. Had a really nice piney taste to it. I didn't leave it cure long enough to get the full flavor, but it was still pretty tastey. If I had it in a better spot, I could have done much better with the yield. The problem is that most of the pot we get around here is seeded mexican brick. Part of the reason is because people are so cheap around here, they rather pay $25 an 1/8 for that than $50 and 1/8 for quality nuggets, so dealers donn't even bother with the good stuff. I hate the high from that stuff, which is part of the reason I stopped smoking for awhile and decided to grow my own. I hate that anxious, racing heartbeat feeling I get from the brick weed that's around here. You probably know what I mean, haha.

Even in a lousy outdoor spot and picked early, the potency was still there. It probably would have been much more couch lock if I would have given it a few more weeks. In this case at least, the myth about autos being garbage was completely wrong in my opinion. That's part of the reason I wanted to grow autos again because the smoke was good. Maybe not top notch medical grade, but it wasn't "dirt weed" like some people (who probably never grew autos) complain about.

someone else

Active Member
That's great Sonar, I appreciate you explaining that.

I do know what you are saying about the Mexican brick.

It's garbage, full of stems and seeds, and does give you that feeling. I get headaches just thinking about smoking it...hehe.


Well-Known Member
Those ERs are looking awesome growing outdoors, in fact I think those are the nicest looking ones I've seen actually. Gives me hope, since I've got one ER getting started under CFL right now that I'm going to move outdoors in a week or so to live out its life. I have 4 other Easy Ryders growing indoors in a grow box that I started over the course of the last 10 days or so, and they're gonna be on a 20/4 cycle throughout. I'm doing the one outdoors purely for comparison purposes and more or less to experiment, but I'm feeling better about it after seeing yours. I'm in Southern Calif. and it's warm here well into November usually, sometimes even December, with plenty of light through October, so it should do pretty well even this late in the year (unless this 105-110+ heat kills it off). Look forward to seeing more of your pics before harvest and finding out what the yield is!