anyone know how to make water safe for plants?


Well-Known Member
I also tested PUR filters and they don't do shit to bring down ppm, was buying distilled for a minute then realized it was a pain in the arss. Went and got a RO system and haven't looked back


Active Member
RO is the only way to go. I have mine hooked up to a sterilized plastic garbage can so I can store up to 85 gallons of 15 ppm water. I installed a 966 gph pump at the bottom with a 16 ft. tube coming off, so I can fill a 5 gallon jug, or a 20 gallon res within a couple of minutes. Depending on your watering needs, you will save countless trips to the store. A good RO system (I use SpectraPure) will set you back about $150. The convenience, and gas money savings will add up quick.


Well-Known Member
ro is the only way to go. I have mine hooked up to a sterilized plastic garbage can so i can store up to 85 gallons of 15 ppm water. I installed a 966 gph pump at the bottom with a 16 ft. Tube coming off, so i can fill a 5 gallon jug, or a 20 gallon res within a couple of minutes. Depending on your watering needs, you will save countless trips to the store. A good ro system (i use spectrapure) will set you back about $150. The convenience, and gas money savings will add up quick.



Well-Known Member
what size plants do you have? what size planters?

Oh and I think filtered water is better than tap so if you are that straped for cash wouldn't it be better to just get a water filter?
Some of my plants are over six feet tall. They are some mothers I have had vegging a while. Im running a RDWC system in five gallon buckets.

If you are strapped for cash, like all of us are, find a cheep ph meter on ebay for around 50-75 bucks. PH up and down at the hydro store comes in a pack for $12.
A cheep water(whole house) filter can be bought at any hardware store for around 50 bucks. But with out having a PPM meter how would you know your tap water is crap??


New Member
Putting tap water in a container and letting it sit for several hours allows the chlorine and fluorine to dissipate, and the water to reach room temperature making it safe for all plants