
I just bought some femmed "auto-berry" seeds from and was wondering if anyone else has bought these?? Being completely stoned, i bought these without research.... i thought i was buying seeds from a known seed bank, turns out i wasnt. i asked what seed bank they came from and the reply was "these are bred for us specifically by our network of breeders across Holland" I then asked a series of questions that resulted in this answer
"This is a new strain that we developed using a cross between Grapefruit mother and Blueberry father. This was then crossed again with a dwarf ruderalis to give it the short autoflowering characteristics. It still retains some of the citrus taste in teh smoke which is pleasantly fruity. The height should top out at around 40-60cm. It is very stable and has a subtle medium strength stone."

So yeh, let me know if anyone has grown this... really wished i bought from joint doctor now...
I did the same thing and bought them stoned... paid more for stealth shipping too, haven't received them yet though. Should be interesting what this London Wax company ships out... Post more with the outcome of your purchase.
sounds like this should get interesting.
did they really use "teh" in their reply? rofl
first time poster :)

I am growing one of these babies at a time, and she looks great! I am using a stealth hydro system with an extra light, its blooming nicely. On the 18/6 light cycle with Fox Farm nutes.
first time poster :)

I am growing one of these babies at a time, and she looks great! I am using a stealth hydro system with an extra light, its blooming nicely. On the 18/6 light cycle with Fox Farm nutes.

What website did you order the seeds from? and how long to get to your location? also what type of shipping?
I bought the same seeds from the same company and got mine in about 5 days without stealth shipping and by the way the stealth shipping is just a way to get an extra 10 bucks outta ya. Mine came very discreet behind the black tray in a cd case. Anyways mine are about 3 weeks in and doing very very well. They stink pretty good already but I also wanted to know how the finished product of these are? Anyone? Does everyone that grows these just get too high and forget to come back on here and let us all know? cmon somebody?
I am in the process of flushing this baby right now, I PROMISE I will let you all know how it turns out as far as yield and stone-quality :)

it looks great, my whole house stinks to high heaven! I promise to take a picture of her before I chop :joint:
I bought the same seeds and lowryder 2 seeds from them. i started an auto berry a while ago. on my profile there is a picture of it @ 4 weeks from seed. i dunno if she will be good or not. its def fem and definatly auto so i will wait and see. if its good i will try auto widow maxx from them. we will wait and see or wait and bleed i:joint: i guess
ok after dry I don't have a scale but I got 2 full mason jars of big fat buds as well as 1/3 another jar of smaller ones... I am curing at the moment, it smells up the whole house when I burp the jars :)

The high is just like it said in the ad, uplifting and the taste is fruity, I can really taste the grapefruit, the blueberry not so much