AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)


Active Member
you are jelouse, we miss kate she had a neat set up and nice plants. I had some hermie action to kate dont give up:) she is probably busy but we like to show love around here, thats all:)
youre right i am jealous! lol.
And on a side note, in my experience i've also had a couple hermies myself.... ive found that if you catch them at an early enough time, and cut off the ENTIRE branch each hermie is on, you can save your plant, and it can still grow into beautiful sensimilla. In fact, when I cut out the hermies, the trimming actually diverted the energy and resources to the top cola it seems, and i actually ended up getting a significantly bigger and chunkier top cola bud than the rest of the plants in that grow run. so don't lose hope.


Well-Known Member
Ok im back from all my vacationing.

Uhg these fucking plants are taking for everrrrrrr...... Im tempted to pull them and plant the fem big bang I got. grrr.. Oh well Ill wait it out.

So Ive been pulling what I thought were balls... which very well could still be but now am worried because I think they might have been catalyx. errrrrr

Ill post pictures in a little bit once I have some breakfast. the smell of sausage.. is making me hungry >_<


New Member
start them i can hardly wait till they start growing i think ill get this strain called the (Wreck) a pure TW gene only thing its IBL still pure Arcata


Well-Known Member
IM SCARED TO POST PICTURES! you guys are gonna yell at me.. for ripping off the catalyxs :(
Have they been growing back/filling in? C'mon, everyone will be nice. I think everyone on here has made a boneheaded move once or twice in their grows.


Well-Known Member
Dear Kate,
we promise we will ot be mad at you if you post pics and you have been pinching the wrong shit. Do they ever open up and put out yellow pollen? Either way just stop doing it and they will recover if they are balls and you dont show us your grow will have a bunch of seeds? I hope we get some pics soon!
p.s. im just a little offended you think we are so mean :)