Growing Marijuanna At School ;)


Well-Known Member
ill give you props for admitting you got busted after everyone was giving you trash.

however, i think i lost the ability to do long division due to the stupidity of this thread.


Googled it and could not find anything. You would think that a stunt like this would make news?
you dont really think he actualy did this and got busted. fyi there is no internet access in county jail. he's fucking with you and you ate his bullshit. ding ding we got a winner.


to me that idea is completely daft
if you dont get seen bunging all that stuff in there, which - you will it will take time no doubt
if you dont set fire to the place, and can cover the smell and light leeks
and if they do find it then they will probs take finger prints is that not a big thing where you live? :s
that is baad, you should not do that.


Well-Known Member
LOL i hope yall young silly kids out in CAL dont read this n feel like tryin... we dont need anymore wildfires


Well-Known Member
knock! knock! whos there? the cops sayin what did you think you could do? grow weed and use our electric? think about this before you get all crazy about fucked.....and on top of you gettin past the whole flowering cycle....which equals....stinky...which equals to it worth all that?