The party of no hits a new low. Repukes at it again!!!


Well-Known Member
it's not a crime. it's just simple economics: economies based on a middle class are a lot more stable than those dependant on the spending habits of a few wealthy individuals.

a noted economist:
Excessive taxation on wealthy citizens hurts the middle class more than it helps. The idea that fairer tax rates would make our economy 'dependent on the spending habits of a few wealthy individuals' is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
before my thread veers into the realm of stupidity,
it's not YOUR thread sport. And it's too late to veer into stupidity when you yourself drove right into it with this idiotic post.

oh man... that rant is classic...

do you think obama gives a shit about you??? NO.... but ron paul does...


might as well put the disclaimer: bought and paid for by ron paul's LIES.

just because he thinks weed should be legal (that's what he says) doesn't make him the incarnation of christ....

he's another shrewd politician, and he's good at lying, like the rest of them...
Why don't you show proof of his lies. Your word means nothing. One of two outcomes. YOU are a liar. Or Ron Paul is. I'm betting the house on YOU being the liar.


Well-Known Member
what are you talking about food stamps?? food stamps are given to the members of society who need it.

it's not a program designed to enrich JP morgan, in fact, JP morgan figured that the food stamp system is not unlike a DEBIT card system, it was just being run differently, and capitalized on the idea. the government benefited because it actually SAVES TAXPAYER MONEY to have JP morgan handle parts of the program, instead of the government having to establish accounts and infrastructure to handle these types of transactions...

The money is not GIVEN. It is stolen from me by an immoral government and then that stolen property is now someone elses. Funny how some cannot see how money taken from me, against my will is stolen, as long as it is for THEIR causes.


Well-Known Member
our government steals money from everyone its called taxes. they just use some of those taxes to help poor people. yes it is probably the most abused program but a lot of people actually need it.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how anyone can still support any political party or any politician at this point. The US gov't is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet, it takes two to tango, dems and repubs. I find it amusing that anyone can try and defend one political party, then put all the blame on the other party. US gov't needs intense clean up.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how anyone can still support any political party or any politician at this point. The US gov't is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet, it takes two to tango, dems and repubs. I find it amusing that anyone can try and defend one political party, then put all the blame on the other party. US gov't needs intense clean up.
I'm with you on the supporting any political party thing. As for the US govt. being one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet.............go down to central or South America. A lot of the European countries too. When I was stationed in Italy I used to keep a carton of cigarettes and $50 on me at all times so I could bribe the polizia if needed.:weed:


Active Member
I don't understand how anyone can still support any political party or any politician at this point. The US gov't is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet, it takes two to tango, dems and repubs. I find it amusing that anyone can try and defend one political party, then put all the blame on the other party. US gov't needs intense clean up.
Blind Devotion is the reason. Demoncrats + Repukes = garbage government