Autoflowers way overgrown


My Heavyweight Bubblecandy autoflowers were only supposed to grow to just over 2ft or 70cm but have grown to almost double the size at over 4ft or 130cm. They are touching the cooltube inside my Cab which gets pretty warm to the touch. Here is a pic....Will the leaves be hurt by this? 6 have already died because they were stunted by the other plants that grew faster and overshadowed them. Also not sure if they were autoflowers and after 30 days not seing any signs of flowering have switched to 12/12 and they are starting to flower now(at the end of their 5th week from seed).


Well-Known Member
yep that happend to me had to take my auto flowers and move them to the bathroom closet lol they sold you some bad seeds sorry bro mines ended up being all male too lol


Well-Known Member
then your stuck.................if you absolutly cant move them and they start to burn just top them i guess its not the best idea and the main cola is usually the most potent but if you have no other choise.......... i would put them bitches in the living room wit the whole light set up befor i topp them tho.


I already super cropped?? the biggest one by accident i think. I was trying to bend it over gently and it broke but seems to be ok.


Active Member
I would find a way to get them some more room! maybe figure out a way you can raise the light?
I wouldnt top them because autos are usually best not topped. But you could try it and show everyone first hand what happens? plus it would get more light into them other plants and you could put a screen above them so they dont grow up too close to that light again>


Active Member
I have never growen autoflowers before but I know if they were regular plants I would say that the light was too far away and caused them to stretch also I havent grown in the grow boxes so im not femiliar with the light set up as far as being movable. Ive never seen nodes that stretched b4.


Active Member
Yeah those plants looks like they stretched a shit load, what kind of light are you using and was it always at the top?


Active Member
yo dirtysoap... just got round to finding where you went to. Those are 1000% not autos. That's well cheeky of Herbie's site!!! I ended up going for my tried and trusted EasyRyder seeds and on day 19 they are starting to flower (4 out of 8 that is... all female... so feminised genetics seem good). You've made me quite glad I did not trial out my Herbie Seeds. In terms of what you can now do with your plants.... Topping is one solution as already said and whilst it's not a good time to do it you don't have a lot of choice and it won't kill your plants but will affect yield. Personally I would probably cut down the number of plants you have and bend over the remaining ones.... basically google LST (Low Stress Training). Sorry to see you got duff autos. So annoying and it's why it's worth only going for seeds that are from reliable breeders. Joint Doctor gets my vote as the best one I have tried... followed by LowLife. Good luck with the rest of your grow!