Really fancy equipment


Hey so I'm kind of new to all this, and although I've been doing tons of research and reading almost everything on tons of different forums, things are still super complicated. However, the other day I was just searching the internet for more information, and I found a couple of websites that seem to make everything a little easier. They sell different growboxes and 'high-tech' materials that look really cool, but I was wondering if anyone has tried them. They look easier to use but they might be complete shit. Is it worth the extra money? I'll post the sites url's so that if you know a thing or two about growing and you want to check them out and give me your opinion, that'd be great too. I'm looking to use the least amount of space for maximum yield, a really original request I know. Anyways if you could let me know your opinions, that'd be great. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I honestly think once you have a good light, growing weed is as easy as shitting in bed; you can make it as complex as you want.
i wise man once said


Well-Known Member
Just get a light, exhaust and start growing organically in an unused closet. Simple as can be.


Well-Known Member

Sheva below are threads where I've got most of my garden equipment and processes listed, I designed everything to give me the most yield with the least work and electricity. I get about 3 litres of 4 week cured bud per bucket, 12 x 5 gallon buckets under a 600 watt hps and a light mover in an 8' x 3' grow cage, I've got 14 strains in 12 buckets flowering now, all medium yield like Kali Mist, Bubblegum and Jillybean, all producing about 3 litres per bucket. Once the plants are trained, about an hours work each, I put less than 15 minutes a day into the entire garden. Flower and Veg rooms, leaves time to experiment with other things.

Easy setup, procedure and results to duplicate. If you want help incorporating any of these ideas into your grow please post in the pic thread so I can keep info for other people. Thanks.






Well-Known Member
This really depends on what you are going for, how much you have to spend, and how much you want to minimize maintenance tasks. None of these contained units is going to hurt anything, but it's also all stuff you can either build yourself for less money, or don't really need (there are a lot of little optimizations which by themselves will only have a slight effect on the end product). Whether these kits are for you or not really depends. Can you afford the extra cost or is it going to bug you that you could have saved some money with a little sweat equity, is it worth it to you to spend more to avoid the time of making something yourself? Usually these kits have convenience features which reduce maintenance (like auto watering, built in ventilation, etc). Many people here will save the money and build it yourself, it's all a matter of whether you see the added cost as a value. Look at it like other things; I used to change my own oil, it was cheap as hell, but I hit a point in my life where the $30-$40 it cost to get it done was a better value than spending 45-60 minutes out of my day, so now I pay to have my oil changed :)


New Member
These little tent type grow rooms literally have filled the 'ideal' gap in this market. Different sizes n stuff, check em out

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
I used to change my own oil, it was cheap as hell, but I hit a point in my life where the $30-$40 it cost to get it done was a better value than spending 45-60 minutes out of my day, so now I pay to have my oil changed :smile:

Kinda sums it up rather well doesn't it?