carrying weight


Well-Known Member
Check to make sure the vacuumed container is completely impermeable, and make sure the outside of the container is thoroughly washed.


Well-Known Member
If it's not over a couple pounds then a sealed container inside a peanut butter jar (with peanut butter inside) is almost fool-proof.


Well-Known Member
1.5 pounds. 3x 1/2 lbs bags. its doesnt smell to the human nose but a dogs nose is 100x better than ours.
Betcha money a good beagle would find it even thru peanut butter AND limburger cheese.

Watched one find some hash buried in the middle of a jar of bacon grease and chili, truly
amazing the nose of a k-9.


How long is your travel? Wrap/package your "cargo" as late as possible before you leave (like the very last thing you do). Also check out the Barry Cooper videos if you can - they have some useful info on how sniffing dogs operate as well as shady tricks cops use and how they profile. There are links to these videos here: about half way down.

** In case my link doesn't work for some reason, it's the two "never get busted again" videos - page 12 of the "free growing videos" thread in the newbie section.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
This works awsome . This is how I get smoke back from Hawaii. I put the peanutbutter in a pot of hot water to remelt the peanutbutter on top and reseal the jar. No better way for small amounts.
If it's not over a couple pounds then a sealed container inside a peanut butter jar (with peanut butter inside) is almost fool-proof.