for 20 pot plants in 1 neighborhood? hell anyone with some rootone powder and 1 seed from a bag of schwag can do that.......
ha ha woukldent it be funny if his landlord raised said little clone for a while only to find out that it was a male.
thanks for the idea fdd. Ive actually done this to people that i didnt know were cool or not to try and find out.
now i know how to test the whole
watching the third person i did it with stomp the poor little clone to death on the front stoop made me quit doing this...... besides it only really shows if the person has an interest in GROWING weed, not a hate for all marijuana.
on second thought trenton......just leave a little nugg on his front porch like i used to do when i lived in apartments trying to find out who was cool and who wasnt....
they would either pick it up and bring it in.....or kick it over to someone elses stoop so they wouldent be associated with it. lol
good stuff.