My First Legal Medical Grow

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Well-Known Member
So the middle plant outside, the biggest one of all my plants turned out to be a male, so he is dead now, lol. On the plus side, tearing him out gave a lot more room for the other two confirmed outside females. They should show an explosion in growth in the next couple of days, I predict.

Also, I ground up all the dried trim from the querkle, its all ground up super fine, and i got 35 grams of it. Not sure what Im going to do with it though, maybe butter, or BHO. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
BUTTER BUTTER BUTTER! Or send it to me haha, whatever you wanna do is cool. I can't wait to be able to make butter. Some hash too! :-)

Fucking males...why I otta'ah!


Well-Known Member
Its resin, but i didnt know that a plant could produce that much... my fingers are literally soaked when im done playing with it :)


Well-Known Member
Hell yea Bill!! I plan to stop by for sure this week, been super busy but I should have some free time after tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Ok so here is a new update with some more pics, enjoy!!

The Outdoor Ladies, with the dude pulled from the middle, they are already starting to fill in.

The Colorado Clone


Female Bagseed Outside- Biggest Fan leaves I have ever seen!!!!

Sour Diesel Clone Outdoor- just started flowering.

Platinum OG Kush - Seeded

Bajamed 2 -

Alien Dog V.2 (2 seedlings)

Bubba Kush- Day 55ish

Sour Diesel

Odyssey - So much resin on her, she leaves my fingers coated and oily after touching her!!! The close-ups are three separate colas starting to develop.

So asides from the Nute burn, how do they look?
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