** Chris' 3rd CFL Grow ** Blue Venom & Super Skunk & Super Lemon Haze If It Lives

Which Plant Will Produce Better Quality Buds?

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Active Member
Looks like when it says it has plant food for up to 3 months they really do mean it. No wonder you don't need to buy nutes. Since you have proven that MG is a good quality soil. Best for people who need to save some cash.
Great job.


Well-Known Member
Looks like when it says it has plant food for up to 3 months they really do mean it. No wonder you don't need to buy nutes. Since you have proven that MG is a good quality soil. Best for people who need to save some cash.
Great job.
yeaa its deff true. lol. i never need nutes during veg.. only during flowering. and it also sais on the package it grows plants twice as big... i agree with that too.. it at least amkes them grow a lil bigger anywayz,


Active Member
mg soil does work just fine just need to keep an eye on how much you water! mg soil has water released ferts not temp released ferts!


Well-Known Member
mg soil does work just fine just need to keep an eye on how much you water! mg soil has water released ferts not temp released ferts!
yeaaa. that is trueee.. but believe it or not.. i have to water my super skunk plant every other day! lol. my root system is just crazy.. soo i need to water alot. even with the white widow plant.. in the 5 gallon bucket. i would have to water evry other day. the roots/plant jsut drank so much water so fast.. i was watering enough to, for any1 whos gonna say maybe im not watering enough. i would have plenty of run off.

and its funny.. the moisture control is supposed 2 make it so u dont have to water as much... but i still ahve to water alot... but im not complaining... i wish sum1 had a plant.. adn would take 2 clones.. as close to the same as possible.. adn put them in the same size pots.. and filled 1 with MG moisture control.. and filled another with sum otha kind of soil... sayyyy fox farm for example.. adn compared them and how they grow.. i would honestly think that the MG soil would grow a bigger/healthier plant... thats jsut my opinion tho.. but sooooo many people ask why my plants grow so big.. and yield so much.. and i cant really think of any other reason.. i mean im usin CFL's.... using Nirvana seeds.. and using these cheap nutes... (Schultz all purpose plant food.. like $4 for a pretty big bottle)... i honestly think its the MG soil that is makin the plants grow so big adn healthy..


Well-Known Member
yo chb444!just wanted to ask you something mate.i just germinated 10 seeds using the paper towel method,i got 5 lemon skunk and 5 jack herer.so today the roots have poped threw the seeds so i droped them in some little rock wool cubes and covered the top up.im just wondering how you feed your seeds and how much?what should i feed them once they pop threw the rockwool with there first leaves?thanks for ya help man.by the way your plants look amazing man :)


Well-Known Member
yo chb444!just wanted to ask you something mate.i just germinated 10 seeds using the paper towel method,i got 5 lemon skunk and 5 jack herer.so today the roots have poped threw the seeds so i droped them in some little rock wool cubes and covered the top up.im just wondering how you feed your seeds and how much?what should i feed them once they pop threw the rockwool with there first leaves?thanks for ya help man.by the way your plants look amazing man :)
thanks man. and nice choice of seeds by the way. =) and u dont wanna feed them at all. not for a lil while. u wanna wait like 2 weeks b4 feeding them anything. cuz right now theyre just starting off.. and are VERY sensitive. soo if u were to feed them anything.. they would get nute burn really bad. soo wait about 2 weeks.. adn start off with 1/4 strength of w.e. nutes ur using.. and see how they re-act to that.. if theyre fine.. then u can try 1/2 strength for a lil while.. then eventually full strength. =)

u wanna keep a clsoe eye on them now.. make sure that the cubes never dry out.. cuz if they dry out... they might end up dying.. and make sure to spray them (with just reg. water.. no nutes) to keep them moist and keep the humidity up and youll be fine. =)

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
mg is missing all the micro nutes.. all ya get it macro. N/P/K. works but missing lots of goodness.


Well-Known Member
mg is missing all the micro nutes.. all ya get it macro. N/P/K. works but missing lots of goodness.
yup yup. that is trueee. thats why its good to use other nutes eventually. im surprised they havent addeed all the llil micro nutes into their soil?? =/ oo well.


Active Member
:joint:Thanks for being always helpful man!! Looking back I feed MG all purpose food to early..thinking about it MG soil vegging should be left alone with water only with time release, Have about another 4-5 weeks here I may just water only or slight nutes before flush...


Well-Known Member
yeaaa. that is trueee.. but believe it or not.. i have to water my super skunk plant every other day! lol. my root system is just crazy.. soo i need to water alot. even with the white widow plant.. in the 5 gallon bucket. i would have to water evry other day. the roots/plant jsut drank so much water so fast.. i was watering enough to, for any1 whos gonna say maybe im not watering enough. i would have plenty of run off.

and its funny.. the moisture control is supposed 2 make it so u dont have to water as much... but i still ahve to water alot... but im not complaining... i wish sum1 had a plant.. adn would take 2 clones.. as close to the same as possible.. adn put them in the same size pots.. and filled 1 with MG moisture control.. and filled another with sum otha kind of soil... sayyyy fox farm for example.. adn compared them and how they grow.. i would honestly think that the MG soil would grow a bigger/healthier plant... thats jsut my opinion tho.. but sooooo many people ask why my plants grow so big.. and yield so much.. and i cant really think of any other reason.. i mean im usin CFL's.... using Nirvana seeds.. and using these cheap nutes... (Schultz all purpose plant food.. like $4 for a pretty big bottle)... i honestly think its the MG soil that is makin the plants grow so big adn healthy..
I been usin schultz too man my friend that had that 4000 watt room swore by that shit. I think it's awesome. Plants eat it up & they don't burn from it like MG.

& dude sorry about the bad link to pics the other day, there's a shitload of very satisfying new bud porn posted up on my page right now!


Well-Known Member
:joint:Thanks for being always helpful man!! Looking back I feed MG all purpose food to early..thinking about it MG soil vegging should be left alone with water only with time release, Have about another 4-5 weeks here I may just water only or slight nutes before flush...
no problem man. i like tryna help otha ppl out as much as i can. and yeaa i would just start using only water the last 2 weeks. maybe use sum molasses here and there too. =)

I been usin schultz too man my friend that had that 4000 watt room swore by that shit. I think it's awesome. Plants eat it up & they don't burn from it like MG.

& dude sorry about the bad link to pics the other day, there's a shitload of very satisfying new bud porn posted up on my page right now!
wow! its wierd to hear sum1 who has money to have a big setup like that swear by using sumthin like that.. thats that cheap!! (thats alotta that(s) in a a row. hahaha) but yeaa i've never really had any nute burn from using it either. glad 2 hear sum1 else uses it too. =)


Well-Known Member
I been usin schultz too man my friend that had that 4000 watt room swore by that shit. I think it's awesome. Plants eat it up & they don't burn from it like MG.

& dude sorry about the bad link to pics the other day, there's a shitload of very satisfying new bud porn posted up on my page right now!
That's cool I have the same exact stuff. The little bottle with the dropper cap for like $4 at the hardware store, haha. I've been using it once in awhile with Botanicare since it has some micronutes that the Botanicare doesn't. Maybe I'll start using it more often. They seem too like Botanicare but it's so expensive and plus they want you to buy like 3 or 4 other bottles on top of the Grow and Bloom. That comes close to $150 dollars if you buy all of them in quarts. For $25 bucks a quart you'd think they could just put all those little extras in the grow and bloom to begin with.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
mg..shutlz and peters are all the same company and all use very toxic nutrient sources,. try and have a bud tested after and see. could pay me to put that in my body. google them and law suits and fda...all over the net for lying on labels and more.
use the lawn fert and better not have any pets around or its like antifreeze to them...staff that smoke are getting sik from chemical reactions to their crap in the plant where its made. worst shit out there...should be boycotted.

oh and nothing organic about them..is part of the lying label lawsuits. maybe 1 item out of 10 is organic in it. thats all it takes to say it on a label.

botanicare dosent have micro>?????what....

all you need for a full feed program for them is veg, bloom. liquid karma and possibly cal mag is wanted to. one if the easiest out there realy


Well-Known Member
mg..shutlz and peters are all the same company and all use very toxic nutrient sources,. try and have a bud tested after and see. could pay me to put that in my body. google them and law suits and fda...all over the net for lying on labels and more.
use the lawn fert and better not have any pets around or its like antifreeze to them...staff that smoke are getting sik from chemical reactions to their crap in the plant where its made. worst shit out there...should be boycotted.

oh and nothing organic about them..is part of the lying label lawsuits. maybe 1 item out of 10 is organic in it. thats all it takes to say it on a label.

botanicare dosent have micro>?????what....

all you need for a full feed program for them is veg, bloom. liquid karma and possibly cal mag is wanted to. one if the easiest out there realy
Show me some evidence, gimme a link or something. & no one ever claimed it was organic nutes. Bottom line is the stuff isn't toxic to the plant, & that's what a 2 week flush is for. Of course lawn feed is toxic to pets. It's not used to feed pets, it's used to feed grass. & we aren't using lawn feed. I think you need to stop running your mouth because all that's coming out is verbal diarrhea. The biggest, fattest, best looking, best smoking buds I've ever seen were grown with peter's & schultz.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
you know how to use google???...i left the key words above to look. and i was more refering to their soils claiming organics. and i never said toxic to the plant...and i should be easier than that. not realy tioxic. a bad nutrient sources. cheep low quality. not all nitrogen and other ellements are equal. this is all mass produced..noty much care goes into that. 2 week flush. wow long one. loosing lots of THC that way.
i know we dont use lawn feed. was just showing how bad they are and that they dont care about the end consumers or their employees. i i didnt mean to feed it direct to the animal. if it licks the lawn as all dogs and more do.

im not runnjining my mouth sohn. i work for a nute co and was just trying to point out science. and it wasnt an insult to your grows. was to the food co.
i also work with Dr Hornby and do week by week efficacy testing to know all this so called running my mouthy. why is it kids that dont understand need to be mouthy. if those are the best you`ve seen with that i feel for ya then.

no offence to others using it...i just dont like the mouth here.


Well-Known Member
you know how to use google???...i left the key words above to look. and i was more refering to their soils claiming organics. and i never said toxic to the plant...and i should be easier than that. not realy tioxic. a bad nutrient sources. cheep low quality. not all nitrogen and other ellements are equal. this is all mass produced..noty much care goes into that. 2 week flush. wow long one. loosing lots of THC that way.
i know we dont use lawn feed. was just showing how bad they are and that they dont care about the end consumers or their employees. i i didnt mean to feed it direct to the animal. if it licks the lawn as all dogs and more do.

im not runnjining my mouth sohn. i work for a nute co and was just trying to point out science. and it wasnt an insult to your grows. was to the food co.
i also work with Dr Hornby and do week by week efficacy testing to know all this so called running my mouthy. why is it kids that dont understand need to be mouthy. if those are the best you`ve seen with that i feel for ya then.

no offence to others using it...i just dont like the mouth here.
First off I'm probably older than you.

2nd, please enlighten me ohh wise one as to how a flushing period degrades or lowers thc content? & why were you, once again, running YOUR mouth, about their soil, or anything else, when we were talking about a specific $4 bottle of nute solution that I know for a damn fact works VERY well. Are you trying to sell your product or something? I use organic feed in my soil which is a trial & error combination of soils as well Espoma plant tone 5-3-3 along with Molasses for flowering & it all works very well together.

CHB here who's thread you are currently mocking has used MG soil & schultz nutes in combination & his yields have been fantastic & he reports awesome smoke. He is also still currently alive & arguably a better speller than you, which he himself will probably admit is like being the fastest sprinter at the special olympics. No offense Chris. :D

Oh, & you would work for someone named Dr. Hornby. Quit trying to push your high priced apcray on other people. I'm sticking with what works for me until someone truly shows me different.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
2nd, please enlighten me ohh wise one as to how a flushing period degrades or lowers thc content?...............as ive said, we do week by week testing on this.and what nutes are needed or have to much of.
im not the salesman. i do the research and pass out info on to them of what we think of anyones products, i just happen to like what the company im with now is doing. or the direction they are trying to go. bout the only thing i agree with is the bad type on that post. and wasnt trying to slam this or anyones grows to be honest. your the one that started the mouth so that how i felt like answering at that time. was trying to inform about how bad their foods are and that anyone using it is missing 80% of the nutrients we need to make a dank bud was all. if they havent tried it then they or anyone dosnt know what they are missing out on.and i did offer advice on another nute co product to. and havent mentioned ours at all. sow how is that a salesman...ive said enough. im not into the old roll it up bickering . is why i left here years ago.

"I'm sticking with what works for me until someone truly shows me different."
.......watch my journal then and ill show you some better foods...and that was not a slam to anyone...lol