30 plant medical grow


2 options i have.
ten 600 watt lights and 30 plants.
or seven 1000 watt lights and 30 plants.
At the end of the day I got 30 plants, but what route is best for maximum yield?


Well-Known Member
i'd go with the 6's you'll get better coverage,you just have to keep the plants shorter due to lack of penitration :)

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
This question needs more information to answer. What type of grow? Hydro, dirt, SCROG, trees? Vert or flat? One large room or multiple small ones?
Overall, 600's are more efficient at using electricity. They also will give you better coverage in a flat garden. The trade off is less intensity, i.e., less penetration into the canopy. Not so much an issue in vert.
Give us some insight into your layout, maybe we can help.


Active Member
isn't 30 plants still illegal?
in the eyes of who? to me its not but to the federal government its illegal to do anything with marijuana, luckily some states know better than to trust the governments opinion. as far as im concerned he and 4 of his buddies are all patients and hes there care giver givng him the right to grow his plants as well as the other 4 guys so no breaking the laws. everyone knows we dont do that here at RIU.

sorry for that. but my general concessus would be to go with the 6'ers they use less and cover more, even with the down sides your yields should not realy be affected.


to answer your question. One room 30 plants vegging for a month then flower for 2 months. growing in soil and looking to get a pound for every 1000 watts. So for ten 600 watt lights and three plants under each light looking to get about 3 ounces a plant hopefully possible? and yes a CO OP legal grow.

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Your yield assumptions for that much light are quite conservative. Good idea. After a few cycles you may be able to see significant improvement. On the order of 70-100%.
I assume we're talking at least 12x12 room? There's a million different configurations, all with their own advantages. I think in a medical situation, yield per plant is the name of the game. You may want to investigate trees or vertical scrog. Trees can yield up to 3-4 pounds each. Of course, you'll need to triple the lights and be on top of your game to get the upper range. With the equip you have, half pound trees should be easily doable. The trade off is much longer veg times.
Bottom line: even a lo-tech flat garden can get .7 grams per watt.
Good luck. Keep us updated.


So when putting 4 plants under each 1000 watt light. With best nutes its safe to shoot for a pound a 1000 watt light with 4 plants?