High temps


Active Member
I live in fl where outside the temps are currently 95 during the day. I have 1 400w MH light running inside a dark room 60 (2ft x 2ft x 4.6ft) With a fan inside oscillating blowing air on the plant and out the door. A 4 inch 130 cfm fan blowing hot air into the ceiling. And finally ducting running from the A/C vent with another 4 inch 130 cfm fan to boost the air flow from the A/C into the dark room. Right now my temp is 82f.

Is this temp to high? How can I bring it down a couple more degrees? Thank you in advance for your help n


Well-Known Member
I think you should get by at 82 degrees, does it stay relatively humid where you are in FL? Have you tried running both 130cfm fans as exhausts with the intake set up from the AC to run passive? It may do a better job of clearing the heat out before it can even build up.


Active Member
Do you notice any increased growth from the co2? Is my current temp bad or it's it still with in reasonable range?


Active Member
I think you should get by at 82 degrees, does it stay relatively humid where you are in FL? Have you tried running both 130cfm fans as exhausts with the intake set up from the AC to run passive? It may do a better job of clearing the heat out before it can even build up.
I actually have a third fan (not in use yet). The one excuse fan is attached to my yeild master II hood blowing the hot air into the ceiling. My hood has a tempered glass installed on it so I'm wondering if I put that third fan on the other side of the hood should I have the air flow into the hood with the other sucking out into the ceiling? Or should they both push air into the ceiling? I'm just slightly worried about creating a vacuum in my hood.


Well-Known Member
I have nothing to compare it to myself since my first and actually only grow was with co2 and very high temps and humidity but I'm pretty sure increased co2 levels helped me raise 5+ foot monsters under horrible conditions (room temps to 95 , rez temps not far behind, 85 at least and humidity at 80+%) Shit came out pretty good really, lots of it too. But with co2 temps can go into the 90s and everything will be fine as long as res temps aren't that high and my grow is proof even those can be high as long as you have some h2o2 handy.
I also credit my fairly decent yield to advanced nutrients, they make some good stuff, high priced but good. So anyway, good luck with your grow, probably take you more than once to get a handle on every-fucking-thing since shit can and will come up. Peace


Well-Known Member
I actually have a third fan (not in use yet). The one excuse fan is attached to my yeild master II hood blowing the hot air into the ceiling. My hood has a tempered glass installed on it so I'm wondering if I put that third fan on the other side of the hood should I have the air flow into the hood with the other sucking out into the ceiling? Or should they both push air into the ceiling? I'm just slightly worried about creating a vacuum in my hood.
Is the one fan that is hooked up to the hood sucking air through it before it blows it into the ceiling? It is supposed to be the most efficient this way. I'd keep the one hooked up to the hood, blowing up and out and use the other one to extract air from the area and out. (No hood). With these two fans handling exhaust and the third as an intake I think you should be able to keep grow temps pretty close to even with the rest of the house.

If you grab a fan controller (basically just a dimmer switch) or two, you can fine tune if you find one fan is fighting the other.


Active Member
Thanks! I'll give that a go. I just need to pick up some fittings this morning and we will see how it helps. Thanks again you all have been a great help!


Well-Known Member
82 is almost perfect in my book.co2will help but you'll be fine without. it's been hot everywhere this year, i'm fighting 88-92f every day around here lately.
Although I am using homeade co2 (1liter bottles x4 yeast+sugar mix) i have been able to succesfully grow in my attic in temps in up to 115 degrees! I have lots of pics that i am trying to upload (off a ds dsi lol). I am using 2 rubbermaid 30 gal containers...one on top of the other upside down
to hold the lights and seal the grow area for co2...i was worried when the heat wave hit 115 for almost 3+days! I haverage growing in 95+ degree temps mid summer....growing about 11 weeks total now (switched to 12/12, 2 weeks ago...realized i shouldve done that 1 month ago lol) but I started with 12 plants and have killed off 7 by laws of survival of the fittest....i have 5 plants now....about 2 1/2 ft tall and bushy as hell....cant wait to find out the sex and harvest...

but ultimatrly...I have proven that temps of up to 115 degrees indoor is totally plausable...sure you would get a better yeild with better conditions...but it is TOTALLY POSSIBLE in even 100+ temps...
remember you are growing WEED! this shit will grow under almost any conditions...just looks at the plants growing from the seeds i throw out my home window lol! ( wish i had pics but damn....pot will grow no matter what, its in the genetics to survive)


Active Member
Thank you all! I am using the homemade co2. I also got a box fan for my grow room it does wonders when it comes to circulating the air in the room. My temps usually don't go above 84 and that's if it's super hot out. 82 during the hot part and 79 most of the day!

My grow is going okay. I only have 1 blackjack right now but plan to pop a couple bubblicious in the next week or so.