THA CHEESE>>>my first pics..Commemts and advice welcomed and appreciated!!!

Tha Cheese

Active Member
Tha Cheese..New plant pics
:weed:So here is what my plants are looking like now...Have been flowering for 2 weeks. Look at close pics..Am i seeing female?...Please say yes!!! Also They are getting tall and getting close to my light. Any advice on the best way to keep them from getting into the light? Its a small space and crowded so hard to manage. I have lst'd but they are still getting sooo big..should I top them if they get much closer? Any advice would help!! Also pics of clones I took....All are cheese under a 150w hps..with gen hydro maxibloom nutes..Thanks for all your help

P.S. Never would I disrespect a fellow RIU member..I appreciate all the help I have recieved here and it has been most valuable considering this was my first grow and I went into this with only the knowledge I recieved from reading books...So Green...You are the man!! :joint::joint::joint::joint:
Attached Thumbnails


Tha Cheese

Active Member
Any help would be nice..scared im runnung out of room and need a solution or advice on how to solvethe problem....Do they look ok?


Well-Known Member
The guys on this site are great I been buying my equipment one day at a time just taking advice from all the experts on here. Today after work i start cutting the vent holes. and so on .. Monday i will begin germination.


Well-Known Member
Can you remove the little clone box up top and raise the light? I'd say take some clones to back it down but im not so sure its a good idea once flowering has begun.

Tha Cheese

Active Member
Clone on left is actually a top from another plant..just an experiment..and so far it is looking great!!! Nice root system developing..I will keep posting as it grows and you can see results!!


Well-Known Member
The general rule is not to top a plant once flowering has begun as it will diminish your yield. That top is going to grow into a nice bud. On the other hand a smaller yield is better than a fire hazard. I would do my best to tie them, bend them, ect. Supercropping basically means to bend the stem. You sort of softly crush the stem between your fingers 5 or 6 times until the bud falls over. If done in veg, this can result in bud growing bigger than normal. If done in flower you probably wont get the increased bud size, but you will be able to keep them from growing into the light. Once you supercrop the stem, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to right itself again, this is normal. My cheese plant tool like 40 min and was standing right back up again. But anyway, you def want to look up supercropping and read about it before you try it.

Also can't tell the sex from the pics.

Tha Cheese

Active Member
So I supercropped them..bent them into an L shape..i will post pics later,,They all bent without snapping off (which is what I was scared would happen). So they are all basically even now. So I just leave them bent over and thy will repair themselves?


Well-Known Member
So I supercropped them..bent them into an L shape..i will post pics later,,They all bent without snapping off (which is what I was scared would happen). So they are all basically even now. So I just leave them bent over and thy will repair themselves?
yep,thats it.....

Tha Cheese

Active Member
Cool..thanks for the help...Didn't get to take pics tonight because lights went off before i got around to it..I will post tomorrow. The biggest one had a pretty fat stem. wasn't really hard like wod but was pretty thick. It softened it up and bent it to...when I did it actually split a little on the sides exposing the inside of the stem. Will this be harmful? The others all went over without splitting and look fine. The big one just has me concerned..especially since this is my first grow and first time supercropping!!

Tha Cheese

Active Member
If anyone has pics (or a link) of what plants look like after supercropping or before and after pics i would love to see them!! I am a bit nervous..everything has went so well and I hated to bend those beauties Thanks for all the hlp and you responses!!!

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
If anyone has pics (or a link) of what plants look like after supercropping or before and after pics i would love to see them!! I am a bit nervous..everything has went so well and I hated to bend those beauties Thanks for all the hlp and you responses!!!
check out some of the pics on my threads with Ak47 -Jack47, all but one of my plants were supper cropped or LST( light stress training). Any plant that gets to tall i will do it to only learnt it could be done to boost buds off here.

Good growing..

p.s what cheese is that?

this pic shows the just after i LST them i think i topped it a week or so before.