i thought the op was just bustin balls but as it turns out your kind of a prick kid. anyway i leave it up do vento to make you feel dumb, he's doing a pretty good job thus far.
Ya man clipping the fan leaves does increase buddage and bud size. Only clip the fan leaves that are the size of your hand though "big ones". The fan leaves have to much energy in there leaves and stop the buds in flowering from getting alot of energy so yes cut the huge fan leaves. You can also supercrop which should dramatically produce more yield. Superscropp is also known as pinching. place the stem in between your fingers pinch it just till you here a pop in the stem and that top will bend over and eventually after a day the same stem will grow towards the light and in the process will give all the lower branches time to catch up. PS make sure when you pinch/ supercrop pinch at a node 2 to 3 nodes down from the top will do. google search supercropping/pinching that way you can get a better idea.