Outdoor growing and suns heat?


Well-Known Member
Can too much heat of the sun effects my crop? been growing outdoor and i`am just woried cause at day temp in my country can reach up to 90-95F and my plants has been bathing under the sun from morning till noon. :hump:


Active Member
No it should be pretty well off in tht temp. In some countries it gets to 120 nd pot plants still flourish! Its all dependent of your strain too. The more you know about the plant you're growing the better off you'll be.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Can too much heat of the sun effects my crop? been growing outdoor and i`am just woried cause at day temp in my country can reach up to 90-95F and my plants has been bathing under the sun from morning till noon. :hump:
them temps wont hurt a thing


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of installing this white plastic roofing to protect them from too much suns heat, hmmm that only issue if ever i install this roofing is that can my plants can still receive good amount of sun?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i was thinking of installing this white plastic roofing to protect them from too much suns heat, hmmm that only issue if ever i install this roofing is that can my plants can still receive good amount of sun?
if its hotthen you could be asking for trouble by doing that. plastic makes heat rise


Active Member
My plants are in full sun, From sun up til sun down. The temps here have been 90-101 for the last month. They love it!


Well-Known Member
It gets well over 100 here on a regular basis in the summer. Not ideal temps, but not a real problem unless it's that hot when flowering.


Well-Known Member
Moisture is the key. My greenhouses have reached 130 degrees on extremely hot(110-115 degree) days. The girls just grow faster. Shading is counterproductive.
yea as far as heat , idk cannabis plants seem really resilient to most environments. i'd say mostly just worry about the temps of your roots as long as their staying cooler the hot sun is your friend!


Well-Known Member
My plants thrive under the hot Spanish sun. But I have to water often, they take 6 litres each every 24.