Organic Hydro Nutes


Active Member
I'm using Advanced Nutes but I want to go organic for an indoor hydro scene.

i'm under the impression that organic hydro nutes have a short shelf life which can translate into loss of capital if nutes go unused while they wait for their supreme call of fertilizing.

is this true? is there an organic line that covers seedling, veg and flowering?

website? thanks mucho.

in females we trust (and so should humanity),



Well-Known Member
i use botanicare's line of pure blend pro. grow, bloom and soil-bloom(kinda a late bloom nute. all organic and i havent noticed any loss of anything when they sit on my shelf for a while. i dont recommend more than 4-5 months but u get the picture. the nutes also hold ph very very well. i only adjust like once every time i change the res.


Active Member
hey thanks billy.

i have been using advanced nutes for a coupla rounds and so far the ferts are potent/effective. but i just prefer a more organic method even though i'm knee deep in artfi. light and processed nutes. i'm aware of the contradiction of using an artificial landscape to produce crops. i just still cling to an idea of less chemicals!


Active Member
THC can be organic!

Personally, ORGANIC just means one less possible carcinogen in my body.

Also, people like to know that choosing what goes into your body is still a choice. Monsanto and other business interests are not so keen on that choice. For them, the benefit of the individual is subordinated to the benefit of someone else's idea of goodness. Often that idea is poluted. Or not the greatest idea for the group.

I'm not an organic Nazi. I just like to know that I still have choices regarding my body.

Thanks for your organic advice!


Well-Known Member
Of course THC can be organic. In fact, it always is organic. If it is synthesized then it is called something else (marinol or something like that). You were talking about chemicals - which are also often organic.

I have a whole lot to say about people with full bellies fighting companies that are trying to feed the starving of the world but will refrain since this is not the forum for that discussion.

Suffice to say that penicillin and polio vaccines are man-made and anthrax and bubonic plague are natural and organic.


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of organic poisons. Chemicals are chemicals whether they are produced by a plant, or by some other means. I understand your concern, however, the peace of mind that u get from purchasing something with an "organic" label, isn't always warranted. The fact is, that you have to trust the company you're doing business with. Unfortuantely trusting somebody who is in business to make money isn't always safe. I guess you pays your money and you takes your chances. I know I do.