co2 decreases potency according to skunk magazine


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think of this? Their logic is that the plant can only genetically produce so much thc, and co2 increases size wihtout increasing potency, so potency naturally decreases because its spread over a larger area. Any expierence or thoughts.

I was going to use co2, but if it only increases yeild, while compromising potency, i would rather veg an extra week and not use co2.
Did they actually test buds with and without CO2 treatment and get THC percentages from a lab? Because it sounds like they're just theorizing. My first harvests were skimpy and by their rationale, that should have been my most potent product, right?
I use co2 and have for years. By this mag`s rational, I am glad I do. Since my weed already tends to blow the top of your head off, without co2 I would not be able to even look at my room without getting high. I do need to function sometimes. LOL
I also would be curious to see how they tested this. Though there is some logic involved in their conclusion, you could also make the argument that though concentrations might be governed by genetics, the size of the plant is certainly greatly effected by environment, so the large the plant the more of that certain concentration you harvest. CO2 is added to increase growth rate, not potency, and I've never read a claim that it increased potency myself. But a larger plant will produce a larger yield of similar potency (all other things being equal), and that's what CO2 is used for, to bet bigger plants faster.
Hmmmm I'd like to hear more. I'm in the process of finishing construction on a sealed flower room for co2 use. The way I understand it the plant with co2 augmentation would just have more plant matter thereby more canabanoid of the same thc level, not more thc as far as potency is concerned. But I can't see it making a fixed volume amount.
CO2 was originally introduced so the plants could handle higher's not going to lower potency
I grow with CO2 and am relatively new at it but I am not complaining about the product...
I use co2 and have for years. By this mag`s rational, I am glad I do. Since my weed already tends to blow the top of your head off, without co2 I would not be able to even look at my room without getting high. I do need to function sometimes. LOL

what strains are u growing :P
I agree with you guys. A lot of times writers will say something like this, a bit outlandish to get attention. I dont exactly know how reputable Skunk magazine is. It was a simple question and answer column, so the guy didnt give any form of refrence to a study or explaination. I am hoping someone has some type of semi formal test to confirm either side. Co2 has been used a while i assume its a matter of time before someone chimes in with the correct answer
that's like saying breathing more oxygen makes your sperm less potent. what a joke.
plants breathe in c02 and exhale 02, it really is pretty simple.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) plays a really important role in photosynthesis. Where does carbon dioxide used in photosynthesis come from you say? It comes from the air or other environment around the plant. The plant gets carbon dioxide for photosynthesis from the stomata. Stomata are the holes in cells of leaves that let in water and let out water through transpiration. If you don't know what transpiration is, it is the evaporation of water from the plant. To make food, plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and it takes it in from the roots, stem, and leaves. Carbon dioxide was the first atmosphere of earth.
The only way co2 will affect resin production and potency is if you use to high of a concentration of it . At that point, resin production will only be affected because the plant will start to die; if it's dying, it will stop producing resin. co2 level has more to do with the photosynthesis process and overall plant growth rates. Your resin production will depend more on your relative humidity and strains than it will on co2 level.

don't plants breath oxygen( to burn sugars) and more eat co2 to make sugars?

to get technical plants breath oxygen. They use CO2 to perform photosynthesis which produces oxygen. When photosynthesis is going on oxygen is created faster than the plant requires it to respirate, so the net oxygen is positive (it is producing more than it consumes). When the lights go out and it ceases photosynthesis the net oxygen produced becomes negative because it is still respirating, but is not producing oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. Hope that helps shed some light on the process :)
I dont belive it what might be up is humitey plants are more potant at lower humitey during Co2 injection you usally have high humtiey thats probley the colpert

I cant spell big whoop wanna fight about it
a plant technically is predetermined to produce a certain amount of thc... a good strain will have around 20%. but thc glands are not like ovaries, there are not a certain amount that a plant contains and is able to give off. 20% THC would be in relation to the plants mass, big or small. this is why i read High Times