First thing first, when you make hash, don't do it before you go to bed and get bored waiting on the drying tray and then decide to put your hash in a piece of magazine paper so that it sticks to it...blah blah....just don't do thatAnyway, moving swiftly on, I have 19 gram of moldy stuff
(og mold) and I also had some trim to add in, all in all a couple of ounce (really wish I had also left the trim out as you will see) Oh, and I took this method from Integra, so thanks man. I am going to buy me some bubble bags though as I have loads of jars of schwag to mess around with....and some trim.
So here it is: 'Orrible looking stuff
And into the little blender
And whizzing around
And then draining - I had to add water then whizz some more, then trf to a bigger bowl. Next, if there is one, I will not use plastic either.
And more draining
And then heating on Warmer tray
And the final product
And the weight: N.B I think it will loose about another gram as it's still damp.
Not smoked it yet but it looks like it's got a bit too much plant matter in it for my liking....but we shall see how (as I said, the paper didn't help) But it's all chiefs. Have a good day.
so after you have whizzed it, then drain it through a pair of tights or whatever, then you can drain like above...very slowly on the drain otherwise the trichomes just drain away with the water...they are heavier but not that much to stop the flow of water pulling them. You might want to drain slowly a couple of times as that was just a quick rundown i know you need to let sit after you stir not sure what else im looking for integras pictorial now
towering foxtails, sugary coating, stinks to high heaven?
i went 12-16",work'd goodhow far from the plant top should i keep my 600watts hps light for my vegging plants and flowring plants?
for flowering or vegging?i went 12-16",work'd good
both,for flowering or vegging?
Glad you caught the mold in time. She looks like a right armful, lol.all this mold talk
i look'd at my tora bora cola,and
low-n-behold MOLD.
she only had 9 more days,glad i found
it now.
well she is comeing down
will get picks soon.
it's only a lil bit,but you do not want that
shit spreading.
she has an nice light blue hue to her.
^^both of my gals
all of my gal.
You know Im in. Could you post a link to the strain. I just want the details on what I'll be working with. I always start the research as soon as possible.The Big Grow Out, The 600 What grow? The Dogs Dangly it what you want, it's on.
OK Guys (I think we scared all the girls away to speedyseedz), so we (being the Royal we) along with a few others are decided that we will grow the D-OG kush.
So if you are in PM me and I will reply to you on where we go from here.....
And if you are someone who only reads the last two posts then I will re-post this post again if no one PM's me!!! OK?
Peace, DST
thats wot i like to hear, adapt and overcomeSorry didnt have time to quote everybody. DST & Don yes its unfortunate but im going to have to shut down the cave for a month or 2. However Iam not going to be stopping the grow. Ive got a closet I can rig up a vertical grow like our 600 brother Jigfresh. Ive already got everthing i need to do it. So im still in on the grow off. Just going to bare bones gut the room remove all equipment and mylar and that should suffice till the workers get the fek out. Its a 30 minute job but im not risking them finding out what im up to. It suck but i will have the cave back better than ever with the hydro in full operation.
Don Thanks for the explaination of the cheese.
Mr west Beautiful looking plants mate.
Jig glad your going to do another run. I may need your help setting up my closet for the vert scrog.
DST awesome hash making tutorial.
Hotsauce way to go bru.
Headsup I only used big bloom because of the N to counter the yellowing a bit. but you are correct Its P that stimulates root growth. I also hear that superthrive is good too.
Busy day peeps got to get ready for the chop and demolition work ahead. Ill keep yall posted. Peace 1bmm