whats the best way to check cocaine purity?


Well-Known Member
ok im curious to how people check the purity of coke? i know the bleach one but im curious to what others are out there.
toss a pinch of powder in a glass of water. Whatever floats and doesnt dissolve instantly is the cutting agents............. If it all dissolves in a second or two, then enjoy your night and smile wide. :)

I like your rhythm and flow of things ;)

But anything here you find in America will be cut to SHIT! Anything that slightly stings the nose and makes your heart feel strained after a few lines is cut. Good ass blow will cost about 80 a gram. A 100mg line will set your straight !
I like your rhythm and flow of things ;)

But anything here you find in America will be cut to SHIT! Anything that slightly stings the nose and makes your heart feel strained after a few lines is cut. Good ass blow will cost about 80 a gram. A 100mg line will set your straight !

yea but no sting good and bitter and numbs the tongue fast must be good the guy said it was pure but you know how that is.
yea but no sting good and bitter and numbs the tongue fast must be good the guy said it was pure but you know how that is.

Just because it numbs doesn't mean its good... actually thats a impurity right there. I'll settle for a fairly decent pile of cocaine... but its something I cannot indulge in. I'm a man who cherishes the purity of drugs lols
Dear brother ... before the product arrives at your guys place ... it get's stepped many times along the way. (the product must be shipped and therefore changes many hands ... and let's be honest, people are greedy) Obviously the quality of the product at hand depending on the quantity your buddy moves. So think clearly about your source and what he mainly moves. He might say that it is pure ... but that is because he did not cut it himself. In terms of numbness ... the one you speak of ... as it seems ... might be attributed to many cut agents. As per NDA's post, lidocaine is one of them novacane is another both producing the same effect. There are others. But that is not the scope of this thread.
The more I learn the more I realize that I know nothing (as there is so much to know ... and not enough time) ... but I have learned from my travels to South America ... what the real deal tastes like. It has been very hard since these trips to replicate the sensation of locally purchased product no matter how pure it was claimed to be.
The numbness is felt first through your nasal passage ... at first. Following the 'drip' as the substance travels down your system, your head starts feeling like it is turning into 'styrofoam' of sort (my best analogy)... then you get gust of rushes along your shoulders/back area and moves down through your extremities. Think of cool breeze as it hits warm body (as you step out of a shower) feeling. Little hairs on your arms ... do the feel like they want to reach to the sky ... like you got zapped with electric current .... do you feel that ?

Obviously I share my experiences and how my brain perceives the substance. I have discussed this extensively with friends during insufflation at many sessions. As also after the experience ... effects have been identical ... hence this base line ... and my rant on the subject.
ok im curious to how people check the purity of coke? i know the bleach one but im curious to what others are out there.

I've found that if you end up in your friends bathroom on new years staring at yourself in the mirror after you threw up even though you can't feel your throat, promising that if you can make it through this one youl'll never do the stuff again...your coke has passed the purity test.
Dear brother ... before the product arrives at your guys place ... it get's stepped many times along the way. (the product must be shipped and therefore changes many hands ... and let's be honest, people are greedy) Obviously the quality of the product at hand depending on the quantity your buddy moves. So think clearly about your source and what he mainly moves. He might say that it is pure ... but that is because he did not cut it himself. In terms of numbness ... the one you speak of ... as it seems ... might be attributed to many cut agents. As per NDA's post, lidocaine is one of them novacane is another both producing the same effect. There are others. But that is not the scope of this thread.
The more I learn the more I realize that I know nothing (as there is so much to know ... and not enough time) ... but I have learned from my travels to South America ... what the real deal tastes like. It has been very hard since these trips to replicate the sensation of locally purchased product no matter how pure it was claimed to be.
The numbness is felt first through your nasal passage ... at first. Following the 'drip' as the substance travels down your system, your head starts feeling like it is turning into 'styrofoam' of sort (my best analogy)... then you get gust of rushes along your shoulders/back area and moves down through your extremities. Think of cool breeze as it hits warm body (as you step out of a shower) feeling. Little hairs on your arms ... do the feel like they want to reach to the sky ... like you got zapped with electric current .... do you feel that ?

Obviously I share my experiences and how my brain perceives the substance. I have discussed this extensively with friends during insufflation at many sessions. As also after the experience ... effects have been identical ... hence this base line ... and my rant on the subject.

Now that experience sounds pure, and untouched by greedy fingers ;)
if you handled ehough soft in your life you can litterly rub your finger over a brick and tell if its raw or not by rubbing a lil coke inbetween your tumb and index finger.... if its oily it raw.......... if its grittyish its stepped on... takes a lil time to get this down.... plus pure coke has that look to it... it like a greyish white and bricked hard has fuck like chalk if its oil based, and sparkley flakes if its that good snorting coke.... aka the fish scale
if you handled ehough soft in your life you can litterly rub your finger over a brick and tell if its raw or not by rubbing a lil coke inbetween your tumb and index finger.... if its oily it raw.......... if its grittyish its stepped on... takes a lil time to get this down.... plus pure coke has that look to it... it like a greyish white and bricked hard has fuck like chalk if its oil based, and sparkley flakes if its that good snorting coke.... aka the fish scale

shit its not gritty its in brick forms and when i rub my fingers together it just disapeared into my fingers real smooth like.....no grit at all. shit after the Clorox test it turned to a paste like after i poured out the bleach... im guessin this is bomb shit. i put residue on my finger and put it on my tounge and it went numb and numb my lip lol
shit its not gritty its in brick forms and when i rub my fingers together it just disapeared into my fingers real smooth like.....no grit at all. shit after the Clorox test it turned to a paste like after i poured out the bleach... im guessin this is bomb shit. i put residue on my finger and put it on my tounge and it went numb and numb my lip lol

IF YOUR NOT LIEING SOUNDS LIKE YOU GOT THAT RAW.. i know how to cut yay with lidocain and laxitives, then put it in a press and spray it with acetone, or strong alcohal...everclear, and brick it back up, but its not the same... an expreianced person will know it will be bricked but brittley