Ways to make money for pot?


Well-Known Member
Why buy bud at all????......if that kid gets busted i bet they scare the fuck out of him and get him to rat on you. I can already imagine in my head,"hey man, we are just trying to let you help yourself, this can all go away if you help us out, you dont want this to ruin your life do you?". Get a cheap cfl setup and grow your own, 2 lightbars, 8 outlet to socket converters,8 y splitters, 8 26w 2700k, 8 6500k 26w a oscilating fan, an exhaust fan, some mylar or flat white psint, soil, container. Then by next summer youll be smoking on your own shit and can have enough money to get a more killer/serious setup and then your set, never have to buy again, youll have the cfls and that stuff for cloning and vegging and the other setup for flowering, perpetual grows are great.....


Well-Known Member
I make 24 brownies out of 100 grams of bud butter. Costs about $120 in supplies, with a return of almost $300.

For the 120, I get 3 Ounces of average quality bud, butter, and all necessary ingredients are covered too.

The recipe yields 24 VERY potent brownies (2x2 inch pieces) which I sell at 1000 Kshs (13 dollars) per piece.

Easiest way to inflate my profits.


Active Member
I make 24 brownies out of 100 grams of bud butter. Costs about $120 in supplies, with a return of almost $300.

For the 120, I get 3 Ounces of average quality bud, butter, and all necessary ingredients are covered too.

The recipe yields 24 VERY potent brownies (2x2 inch pieces) which I sell at 1000 Kshs (13 dollars) per piece.

Easiest way to inflate my profits.
i wish my dealer sold brownies..what kind of weed do you use?

Doobie Doober

Active Member
Why buy bud at all????......if that kid gets busted i bet they scare the fuck out of him and get him to rat on you. I can already imagine in my head,"hey man, we are just trying to let you help yourself, this can all go away if you help us out, you dont want this to ruin your life do you?". Get a cheap cfl setup and grow your own, 2 lightbars, 8 outlet to socket converters,8 y splitters, 8 26w 2700k, 8 6500k 26w a oscilating fan, an exhaust fan, some mylar or flat white psint, soil, container. Then by next summer youll be smoking on your own shit and can have enough money to get a more killer/serious setup and then your set, never have to buy again, youll have the cfls and that stuff for cloning and vegging and the other setup for flowering, perpetual grows are great.....
How much would it cost for all that? I might try to grow it in a shed. Fuck i forgot it isnt insulated. Also the blowjob idea is great, i hear that lalaporo's mom did it good :D


Well-Known Member
under 100 for sure, probally closer to 50-75. Depends on how well you shop around and see whats the best places to buy certain things.


Active Member
donate plasma. i use to do it. its not that bad. they usually give you 30$ each time and you can do it twice a week, and its for a good cause


Active Member
Male prostitution, sell handjobs, save the money that you already earn, grow your own, sell crack (in some neighborhoods it is easier to sell than an immortality syrum) donate semen, plasma, blood.

Apply to be a laboratory rat, that pays really fucking well! You get sick and then better, and come away with a wad of 50 dollar notes in your hand. Sell upskirt pics on the internet, make a sex tape, have an affair with tiger woods, and then keep it secret for a year. Then sell your story to the press.

I dunno what else, I've run outta ideas.

Doobie Doober

Active Member
Male prostitution, sell handjobs, save the money that you already earn, grow your own, sell crack (in some neighborhoods it is easier to sell than an immortality syrum) donate semen, plasma, blood.

Apply to be a laboratory rat, that pays really fucking well! You get sick and then better, and come away with a wad of 50 dollar notes in your hand. Sell upskirt pics on the internet, make a sex tape, have an affair with tiger woods, and then keep it secret for a year. Then sell your story to the press.

I dunno what else, I've run outta ideas.
The tiger woods idea is great, pays millions to keep it a secrete then people find out anyway so you could sell the life story!!!!kiss-ass

kush fario

Well-Known Member
you cold sell pot grow pot keep your job actualy thats #1! or mow lawns or get another job for your pot consumption


donate plasma. i use to do it. its not that bad. they usually give you 30$ each time and you can do it twice a week, and its for a good cause
That's the way to do it. I go twice a week and pick up $50.

And grow, it's fantastic. Then you won't have to make extra money.