well i have been smoking ganja since i was 13 and i am now 18 on my 1st grow, i never really get told what im smoking it doesnt really work like that where im from.
If it smells pretty nice or looks good its "cheese" lol.
and i remember maybe 1-2 times when i seem to have smoked somebody else weed never lucky enough to have had it myself but i have been like next lvl stoned.
this one time i went out with a friend to roll a few spliffs for them cus they were stoner noobs, i remember them putting a rediculous amount of weed in each joint
(i let them

). anyways after i smoked this joint i walked back on my own with a HUGE grin on my face. I remember noticing how the sun was making me feel really bright
and i felt really happy. i hadnt felt that feeling since i went to amsterdam and tried some sativa strains.
in other words, its a very differnt high compared to indicas.