First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)

Silent Running

Active Member
Hmm, I was pretty sure she was talking in grams on the wet weight. But now looking back over it, I dunno. I always figured 70% loss when dried because of water and stems. *shrug*

Silent Running

Active Member
Yeah, that's what I thought you were referring to. That's damn good for that height. My LR finished drying today and you know I had to test one of her sweet buds while the rest went into the cure jars. Excellent! Watching "I'm gonna get you sucka" and laughing my ass off right now. Ok, no I still have some ass left but your know what I mean. ;)

I can't wait to hear how yours turns out.


Well-Known Member
I'm rather curious about the wet weight to dry weight conversion. You're estimating that a wet plant that weights 8.2oz or 229gms would convert to 1/8 or 7gms? That seems rather extreme. That estimate would say that the plant is 97% water, and 3% leaf/bud weight dry. Does anyone know that actual water percent for a plant? I mean humans are like 70% I would think a plant would be less. Like maybe 60% water or something.
It just seems like a waste of money and effort to spend all that money on electricity, nutes, soil, to wind up with 1/8 or even 1/2oz per plant. I mean if you do the math you may be actually spending more than double just to grow your pot, vs buying it which seems like it would actually be cheaper.

I'm wondering mainly because I'm spending $40 bucks a month to grow 3 plants, I'm gonna double the lights in another months which will throw it up to $80. Than another month at $80. Thats about $200 in electricity to grow 3 plants. Another $70-$100 for everything else (AND I'm doing it cheap). So thats about $270, if I don't get at least 3ozs, or an ounce from each plant (I can only grow 4.5 feet max in height), I'll never grow again. Not when I can take that money and just go buy 3ozs. I don't know I just thought the whole reason to grow was to save money. And it doesn't even seem like a lot of people are breaking even. Or am I just being an idiot newbie? idk. Even the people with larger gardens and the 2000 watts of electricity they're using... they can't really be getting a lot of bang for their buck. I'm new to growing I just thought it would be a lot more worth it than what I see on this forum.

edit: just read a plant can be between 65% to 80% water by weight or 72.5% avg. So that would = 64gms avg dried out from the 229gms wet that you have. Now if you get 64gms, or basically 2ozs, THAT would definitely seem worth it. But I have too wait I guess till I harvest to figure out roughly what I'll wind up with. But if I get under an oz per plant I can't see myself getting into growing.. as much as I love it.
Dude do you smoke mack joints? Pay a little more attention in reading before you take the time to do math n shit. lol


Well-Known Member
Thank silent, ur right on, it was 8.2 grams. She was only 3 1/2 inches tall for crimeny sakes LOL
Hehe I didn't realize she was so short. That's crazy you yielded that much (relative to height) from a plant that small. Props on that. Maybe you should try some big bud next instead, a guy here on the cfl forum harvested 618 grams wet weight off one plant!


Active Member
Hehe I didn't realize she was so short. That's crazy you yielded that much (relative to height) from a plant that small. Props on that. Maybe you should try some big bud next instead, a guy here on the cfl forum harvested 618 grams wet weight off one plant!
Thanks rom, I was pretty shocked too...she was one solid nug from dirt to top lol. My caregiver had to stick the scissors in the dirt to cut it! Dry weight on her is a whopping 2.5 grams :shock:. I took a half a bowl or so this morning to smoke...still a little harsh cuz its only been in the jar for 2 days, but got a good taste to it. Smell is real strong, like a pine tree that got sprayed with a skunk...smells more like pine though, so maybe a skunk sprayed with pinesol? :-P

I do want to try the big bud, do they have an auto cross of it yet? The only ones I will b growing in the near future are auto assassin and white widow, with my mids for backup, cuz I have a WW mother and now a total of 6 assassin seeds so far!

I love pot:hug:


Well-Known Member
Thanks rom, I was pretty shocked too...she was one solid nug from dirt to top lol. My caregiver had to stick the scissors in the dirt to cut it! Dry weight on her is a whopping 2.5 grams :shock:. I took a half a bowl or so this morning to smoke...still a little harsh cuz its only been in the jar for 2 days, but got a good taste to it. Smell is real strong, like a pine tree that got sprayed with a skunk...smells more like pine though, so maybe a skunk sprayed with pinesol? :-P

I do want to try the big bud, do they have an auto cross of it yet? The only ones I will b growing in the near future are auto assassin and white widow, with my mids for backup, cuz I have a WW mother and now a total of 6 assassin seeds so far!

I love pot:hug:
That sounds like some nice smoke. That's hilarious about having to cut it under the dirt. If you can hold off give it 5 more days in the jar & you'll be really happy with it.

To my knowledge there is no auto big bud yet. I was half joking but given that it's a medical grow I would think you would try to maximize the yield you are getting from one plant. Big bud is arguably the best way to do that. You can always do a 12/12 light cycle for 60 days from seed & get results just as fast as using autos. I know that there is NL x Big Bud that is supposed to give you nearly the same yield but with more potent smoke. WW is a good yielding strain too but not nearly in the realm of a BB which seems to give you about twice as much.


Active Member
Hey all! Sorry I took such a long hiatus, but I was busy moving and then they couldnt get the phone line switched for a little over a week! Such bullshit! Anyway, I smoked Destiny, and she wasnt too shabby. It had a way different taste than anything I've ever smoked... It was a good high though, and really smooth tasting.

I cut Hope and Faith a couple of days ago and they both seem to smell more like flowers than trees. I hung them for four days and now they are in the jar on their first day of curing.

The two mids that I put into flower in June are almost done. In fact, the one that I started a week later is done I think, and the other one seems to have about a week or so left. Thats some back asswards shit!

The bad news: I think I killed my WW mother leaving at the other house with no water. :(

The good news: One of the WW clones I cut off her last week has monster roots coming out of the bottom, so I should be able to replace her :)

The skunk has grown so tall that I had to break it to get it in the van to move it! I taped it back together though and it doesnt seem to be any worse for the wear; the leaves hardly even wilted.

I will do my best to get pics up in the next day or two, my better half is off work this week on vacation so its gonna b difficult.

I'm so glad to be back!


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear you got the moved tooken care of, Poor destiny, may she rest in peace, or pieces, one of the two, lol. YES we want some pics, lol. Glad to have you back. :)


Well-Known Member
Welcome back. Glad to hear you have a big fat skunk. :D Stop by my grow when you get a chance, there's some serious bud porn right now.


Active Member
I'm finally gettin wireless internet on Monday, so I should be on alot more often. I have been having real problems with my connection lately, that's y I havent been here the last couple back in the mix soon!

Silent Running

Active Member
Most I've read says to watch for bananas...pluck them off and let her finish since she is this far in. I'm sure a more knowledgeable person will jump in here to respond though. Good to see you back DoinIt.


Active Member
Thanks Silent. I posted on fdd's thread and he said I can either wait or cut...I guess I'll wait for the guys to stop in and share their wisdom...
I miss MK......