Are my plants ok? (Pics)


:cry: :cry: Ok guys here are my plants after about 2 1/2 weeks under light. The first 3 plants in the brown parts are just regular swag plants. I got them from a friend. The 1 plant in the big grey pot and the little seedlings are all northern lights feminized seeds I ordered. The plants seem to be growing slowly, and im not sure why. I water them once a day with just a little bit of water. I have 3 CFL Bulbs on them as well as a fan. The northern lights plant is barely growing at all. The reg plants are growing much better but all the leaves seem to be turning a Yellow/Brownish color what is this from! Any tips are nice thanks guys!



Well-Known Member
ok bro..lets see...first..your using it looks like 2700k bulbs...those are for flowering...and 2 on that many plants isnt enough..on low watt bulbs..gonna need 2-3 per plant.its obvious they are not getting enough light...thats why the stems are so tall.other pro lem is probably the that soil?or is it a soilless mix...might need some perlite in the next mix for drainage and more air to the soil...looks like they are screaming for some N


Ok Well what kinda of bulb do I want. And its organic potting mix thats really all the bag says. Its miracle grow which I know isnt great. But we dont have Lowes or Homedepot in my town.. So I need like 4 more CFL's and maybe some different potting mix?


Well-Known Member
seems like your having alot of the problems i had.
check my grow journal. i was told i was overwatering. i was using MG, which has slow release nutes, which was nute bruning my babies. aaannndd i had them on a 24.0 lighting schedule.
what i did?
let them dry out, big time dry. and i see growth. also the 18/6 schedule has helped TONS. i literally saw growth after the first dark cycle. these are hardy lil fucking plants. and over fucking with them WILL kill them.

not saying this will cure your problems. BUT. check out my journal and see if it helps. :)


Well-Known Member
mg organic will work..i would get some peat moss and perlite to add to it when they get transplanted...which they will need transplanted.and you will need 6400k daylight cfl's..4 more will def help..but as many as you can use without a lot of heat or crowd your growing will sell all of these..a 2 pack of 6500k's is under 10 bucks and Y adapters will run about a buck and about $4-$5 per bag of the other.and also another thing...ive used the mg organic myself...make sure to keep an eye out for bugs..i bought a bag of it..opened it..and bugs started flying out.might not hurt to put it on a pan an in the oven on low for a couple hours...if you can stand the smell that is


Ok thanks for the tips guys.. I have been letting the soil dry out. I will wait till tomorrow to water. ANd I just now shut my lights off to switch to t he 18/6 cycle. I plan on picking up some more bulbs soon. Thanks! Where can I get Peat moss and perlite. And as for bugs I have already sprayed they did have bugs flying around. I bought some organic bug spray killer for gardens works indoors and out. It took care of those little suckers.


Well-Known Member
both at walmart usually. i let my soil dry out for a week. like i shove a finger into the dirt, and when it was dry half a finger down. then i watered. which was about a wekk.


Ok thanks a ton. Switched to 18/6 cycle going to start watering once a week with Distilled water. Also plan on switch CFL Bulbs and buying like 4 more to make a total of 7 CFL.. This is a small closet grow so I cant go out and get a huge as HID light. Thanks guys! I hope to be tokin this shit soon. Oh and any reason why my northern lights would be growing slower than the reg.


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks a ton. Switched to 18/6 cycle going to start watering once a week with Distilled water. Also plan on switch CFL Bulbs and buying like 4 more to make a total of 7 CFL.. This is a small closet grow so I cant go out and get a huge as HID light. Thanks guys! I hope to be tokin this shit soon. Oh and any reason why my northern lights would be growing slower than the reg.
different plants grow at different rates and sizes...long as its showing growth your all set.


Well-Known Member
and i dont think you have a overwatering problem yet..the leaves will start to droop and curl down and stay that way to tell when to water is by the overall weight of the plant.check the weight of the pot after watering...wait for the leaves to get a slight droop to them..check the weight of it again.that way you can tell when its heavier its ok...starts getting lighter then water it.its a lot worse to overwater then underwater a plant.letting the leaves droop before watering is better then watering before it needs it.if you just stick you finger in the soil that tells you nothing.the top few inches of soil can be bone dry..yet the soil in and around the roots can still be holding water


Well-Known Member
and i dont think you have a overwatering problem yet..the leaves will start to droop and curl down and stay that way to tell when to water is by the overall weight of the plant.check the weight of the pot after watering...wait for the leaves to get a slight droop to them..check the weight of it again.that way you can tell when its heavier its ok...starts getting lighter then water it.its a lot worse to overwater then underwater a plant.letting the leaves droop before watering is better then watering before it needs it.if you just stick you finger in the soil that tells you nothing.the top few inches of soil can be bone dry..yet the soil in and around the roots can still be holding water
hmmm. interesting. so checking weight woudl be more accurate?


Well-Known Member
much more accurate...cant tell whats going on in the roots...which is where all the moisture will be...under a lot of lights your top 3-4 inches of soil can dry up in hours...but the water in the roots will still be there.its what you cant see is hurts you as it comes to watering.i purposely let my plants droop before watering it again.ive got one in a 3 gallon pot that i havent watered in over a week...leaves are still i let it be till i see some droop to it


Well-Known Member
facinating. i shall try this method instead of finger poke method. im always scared of poking into roots anyhow.