White widow, 8 weeks in flower, help required!!!!!!

Currently growing White Widow. Am using 600w HPS with Ionic nutrients and have used 'overdrive' for 2 weeks. Am now 8 weeks into flowering and buds are not filling out and appear a bit straggly. Its a 1st time grow and any advice much appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
Are the leaves dark green? I've seen similar results from using too much N during flowering. I've also seen it happen if they've been pollinated. Is that possible?


Well-Known Member
What he said above is true. Also, check that your plants are not rootbound and make sure your temperature is around 75 degrees.
Are the leaves dark green? I've seen similar results from using too much N during flowering. I've also seen it happen if they've been pollinated. Is that possible?
I started with 4 plants and removed 1 that turned out to be male,it was in the tent for three days before i noticed,the balls were closed and the girls hadnt started to flower.if its too much n what do you suggest i do or would i be better to start again?