Didn't think I would leave the viewers without a few Sunday snaps...well here are some of the outdoor lovelies.
Oscars - the view the polis get

My view

Open it up like a peach....oooh

Oscar side branch
These like Oscar also grew in my garbage bags (without any light, or very little). Pumpkins, so potted a few of them, and here we are. Garbage bag pumpkins....already flowering

CaliHeadband top

I liked this shot - underneath CaliHeadband

All these side branches are between 50cm-1metre long. 1.5 foot-3feet long I guess)

Bottom of CaliHeadband
This is just some different lettuce i have just started. 10-15 weeks so should get them before it gets too cold.
Clones, oscars on the left, cheese and cj on the right, holiday disasters in the middle
Headbands, they flit from one corner of the garden to the other...currently in the greenhouse....probably to be moved again shortly....
Well I bet you where thinking, what the fek is that scraggily stuff at the side of the headband. Well you may have thought she had met madame guilliotine, however, my wife said, "no, don't chop it down, I'll look after it", hahahahabloodyhohohoho. I don't think she's watered it once (I have watered a very dry looking plant a few times!!!

) Yup, it's the Bastard Daughter of Barbagseed.....


The Little Yins, getting there....
Peace, DST