Does anyone know how to make taffy?like the taffy at clinics that cost 40 to 50 bucks a gram and is danker than hash?I ask the guy at the clenic he said don't worry about it.fuckin dick
I know this is an old thread but i found it and was suprised nobody had any recipes. So, here is FreedByTheSeed's "Brotha" Taffy Recipe as per the Dro Shop website.
FreedByTheSeed's "Brotha" Style Taffy Recipe
1/4 cup of your most dank butter
2/3 cup vanilla corn syrup (the clear kind)
1 cup sugar
1 cup powdered sugar
2 pkgs Kool Aid
In a pan, slowly melt some bomb butter at a low temp. Once the butter is melted, add in 1/3cup vanilla corn syrup and 1 cup sugar. Raise the heat to just below the mid mark on your burner dial being careful not to raise it too high as you DO NOT want your candy to turn out hard and or burnt. It should be hot enough to being to make the sugar dissolved and bubble slowly into the butter. Mix any clumps in with a spoon, but don't do a full stirring mix.
Once 3/5 of the sugar seem to have been dissolved, take a spoon and drop bits of your sugary mixture into a bowl of water. If the candy has a nice gel texture under water, then its reached the consistency you want. Turn off the heat! Keep a close eye on your mix in the pan and when the bubbles slow to a crawl, add in 2pkgs of Kool Aid and stir like nuts!!!
Once the candy seems like its cooling down enough to touch (still need to be warm though) add 1 cup of powdered sugar and knead mixture onto a cold counter top or cookie sheet. Add more powdered sugar to get a thicker taffy.
And that's it! Hope you enjoy the recipe!