Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
I agree nice plants KB, Hope ya get to bring em back home. and I hope ya make it to the cannibis cup someday.


Well-Known Member
Are anyone else's crops flowering yet? I haven't really seen much but I haven't checkedthem out in a little over a week. Hopefully I missed alot! If I see more flowering and pistils then I did last time then I will start adding molasses. Man I can't wait... For this is my first grow..


Well-Known Member
the GWS are about 2 weeks into flowering the calyx's are just starting to form and theres a decent amount of hairs collecting at the end of each branch hopefully they'll all be ready around the 3rd week of september..just sprayed them down with safers and plan to spray 1 maybe 2 more times to control powdery mildew and bud rot

and troy..deff using nutes...I use advanced nutes heavy harvest (spring, summer, and fall) using fall now...also pirahna, tarantula, voodoo juice, and carboload to feed benificial microbes..I would have also liked to use bud factor x and bud igniter but just didnt have the cash for it both are around 100$ a liter..be buying the connisuer nute pack from discountan.com which include like 10 diff advance nute products...in a 50 gallon package costing about 1500$ for my indoor setup after this years harvest...after this year I wont be guerilla growing anymore stayin 100% legit...cant afford to lose the only thing I'm really really good at.


Well-Known Member
I also hope this will be my last year growing in the red. I would love to find someone I could be a caregiver to. If I did I would grow 20 footers, lol. My relative has a medical card and we walk 1 minute to see his work. If I wanna check all my plants 3quarter of the day is used and I usually get into a fight with a pack of rabid mosqitoes or get in a dam headlock with a briar patch. wtf. Man I could shine if I were legit!

Any any helicopter sightings?


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's what I'm hoping for too.. However I'm only 19 years old.. However I can be my own caregiver. I have doctors notes and I know I can get my card however I haven't hadthe 300 dollars to have it. I'm hoping after this harvest I will though. Also... Is it realistic to shoot for 3 ounces a plant outdoors for a first timer? I've just been doin the math and I really have no idea what my yield could be. I have 20 sssdh and 2 random chronic bagseed


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's what I'm hoping for too.. However I'm only 19 years old.. However I can be my own caregiver. I have doctors notes and I know I can get my card however I haven't hadthe 300 dollars to have it. I'm hoping after this harvest I will though. Also... Is it realistic to shoot for 3 ounces a plant outdoors for a first timer? I've just been doin the math and I really have no idea what my yield could be. I have 20 sssdh and 2 random chronic bagseed
yes you can get 3oz a plant, first time i grew outside I only ended up with a quarter of some of the most fertilized dope in the world..nasty.Silly me I thought it was great that it was purple lol..it was purple from way too much ferts. but your first grow you have the internet,you can learn more in an hour then I did in 10 years, but then again people talk so highly of "hands on experiance". time will tell


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the kind words!

in my area they flew the 19th and 20th of last month and net'd 500 plants...about 20-30 minutes away from me...I seen them flying that whole week tho.. I hope that but keeps them quiet instead of fueling the fire...DEA gives the state police an attaboy and few thousand dollars hopefully there happy and HEMP stays on the ground for the next 2 months..my girls are bigger than I wanted them to be by about 2-4ft on some...mine range from 7-10ft tall and 3-5ft wide I was hoping for 6x6...

troy 3oz is do-able but it's better to shoot low and come out fat! lol .. outdoors is a differnt world from your perfect indoor enviroment..bugs, mold, rippers, police..you never know whats gonna happen..you could have a steller grow than 3 day before harvest it rains everday and your full of mold...sssdh is a large producer if I'm not mistaken..it all depends on how long you veg for and how well you take care of you plants...which somtimes means leaving them alone you can kill them will too much love...

honestly my first oudoor grow I think I averaged about 2-3 oz a plant, mine where small and the genetics were sub-par...elite genetics in a newbs hands is always better than shwag in the hands of an expert...unless you kill them...


Well-Known Member
Yeah a few are about 6 feet, there's some 5 feet tall and what not. But my only concer is they aren't very bushy. They are femmed, I'm starting to feed a 3-5-7 bloom nute alone with some molasses until flush.. If I get atleast 3 ounces per I'll be stoked! There are 22 all together.. But the runts I can't see pulling an oz off of. Which there are 3 of them so I just count 19.


Well-Known Member
yea depending on strain some you need to top or LST a little bit to get them to really bush out all of my GWS where topped twice and the ones that got more sun really bushed out as aposed tothose that didnt...also the veg period will determine your bushy-ness...my girls pop'd march 10th and were in the ground may 10th-15th

really troy the best thing you can do is buy a marijuana horticulture book...greg greens book is a good one and quite up to date i liked it more than jorge cervantes med bible...and really study horticulture and botany aside from marijuana ...cannabis is a simple plant like all others genetics is what makes the plant...and the more you understand plants in general you'll do better with cannabis...and theres no better teacher than hands on...

I've self taught myself botany, horticulture, mycology, and little chemistry..all these played a role in me growing and understanding great bud..

and dont think you have to be a genius either lol...i dropped out of school around 10th grade as a 2nd year senior.. and failed my way there from 6th...lol...school was just so boring I was smarter than that!


Well-Known Member
Yeah mine popped mid march and went out April 20th. The did start flowering and had to reveg. So I know they were stunted at some point. All plants have been femmed and all are lst'd also. I've gone through a whole bottle of foxfarm grow big jaeger I don't have enough money to get anymore. So I'm stuck with this organic 3-5-7 fert. I will have picture up to date tomorrow, I'm going to see more flowering than a week ago! Since this is a 9-11 week flowering strain. But hey, 87 free feminized seeds why not?


Well-Known Member
9-11 weeks you'll be cutting it super early...around here octber 5th is cut off date like last resort by then you got mold,,its cold and rainy...thats why I chose strains tha ended in sept. but they were free so you can really complain...


Well-Known Member
My relatives herijuana will be done in about 2weeks! Those plants started budding right around the solstice. I did not think that they would even finish all the way outside,but they will be the first ones harvested. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT?


Well-Known Member
Damnnn, are those from sannies? That's definitely on my list fr next year! I hope it's a big yielder

yes, they were bought from sannies shop. and I gotta tell you those buds look like they can kick your ass. on another note outta 4 seeds 1 hermi.(male with female pistils) so I can already tell you hermies may be an issue,


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've read that they have had hermie issues. I've smoked herijuana and it is so potent. Not a social high... Very good for passing out with. I am going to pick up a pack though.. Hopefully they are in stock come November. Hic, do you know anything about sssdh? I'm hoping that my buds will finish so I don't have to chop some premature buds as my first harvest.. And also, I really like the highs of sativa but imin michgan so I'm forced to grow Indicas... Do you know of any early finishing Sativas or hybrids that have the high of a sativa but flowering time of an indica?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've read that they have had hermie issues. I've smoked herijuana and it is so potent. Not a social high... Very good for passing out with. I am going to pick up a pack though.. Hopefully they are in stock come November. Hic, do you know anything about sssdh? I'm hoping that my buds will finish so I don't have to chop some premature buds as my first harvest.. And also, I really like the highs of sativa but imin michgan so I'm forced to grow Indicas... Do you know of any early finishing Sativas or hybrids that have the high of a sativa but flowering time of an indica?
I know nothing of this sssdh you speak of I do know it has haze in it wich brings a longer flowering time. I would think it would be alot like growing seeds from a bag of brown commercial (flowering part). I bought mandala 1, and sweet tooth for my upity high this year. I know for a fact that both won't have a problem finishing here in MI.

These seeds we buy off the internet are all unique to us in michigan as to we just don't know what might happen with some... A perfect example is that herijuana outside grow. That strain is almost like a dam auto flower in michigan, I think it stays borderline with the amount of hours of sun it gets in MI to be on the verge of flowering at a moments notice? Although mandala1, hashberry,sweet tooth,critical mass,white widow,my alaskan,self made breed, are all on the typical scedule with prior grows in MI, In which they are all now getting white heads. They are about a month behind the herijuana in flowering at least.