Trichomes, THC and UVB light.....


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many extra trics i could get from these if i had some uvb lamps.

And skunky can you tell me what happened to the 2 seedlings that you had under that uvb lamp?
Did you keep them or carry on with seeing what the death threshold was?
Did they seem to display any or more baby tric sites?
I am seriously interested and i may go out next week and get a facial tanner from argos and suspend it on bungie cords.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
SKH posted a pic yresterday....its going well, though I believe overall growth is behind the other lights.

the spectra of the facial and body tanning units that I have looked at are predominantly UVA and lessor amounts of UVB ..... I believe the most I have seen is 25% uvb in tanning lights....


Well-Known Member
SKH posted a pic yresterday....its going well, though I believe overall growth is behind the other lights.

the spectra of the facial and body tanning units that I have looked at are predominantly UVA and lessor amounts of UVB ..... I believe the most I have seen is 25% uvb in tanning lights....
Wheres the pic tahoe please?
Thats all i can afford at the moment im afraid.
edit. cant even afford that anymore,as i just looked and theyve gone back to full price again 54.99.
so i wont be doing it yet,they were previously on offer at half price.


New Member
As far as I'm aware animals like both UVA and UVB... another reason for my choosing a bulb that is high in both.

growth rates are slower, but my only comparison are a different strain, still though they're both indica type plants so they should grow at around the same rates. I'm also not sure that they are slower any more, what I mean is that I feel they had a stutter. After the first set of true leaves appeared these plants just froze. They stretched upwards but took a ferw days to start growing the first 3-fingered leaves. Maybe this is where the delay came in and after that they've grown normally.

I've looked under the microscope and tried to find differences from the leaf of the plant under UV and the leaf from a plant under MH...
Although I do believe there is an excess of trichomes or hairs on the leaves of the UV grown plants and they do seem to be standing more upright, there were also slight differences on the epidermis. The UV plant's cuticles seem to be larger with thicker edges. I also took the leaves from a similar part of the plants.

I'll need to check that out again today to be sure, and I'll try and post some pic's of the occasion.


New Member
After analysing a few leaf samples this morning I can find nothing to distinguish leaves groing under UV and leaves growing under MH. I have 2 plants beneath the UV, one is doing way better than the other. The poorest of the two seems to have more hairs and less cells. The healthiest seems to be doing better than the mh plants with an abundance of cells and hairs.

I also got my lux meter this morning, now I just got to figure out what all the numbers mean. Anyone in the mood for sharing some education?


Well-Known Member
Hello mate -I have just put the girls to bed (been and smiled at them) and am of to watch the football in with madonn sorry, in bed with medinner. Will read up your musings in the AM.
Night night weed world

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
As for the UVB light... Hmmm. I think it does seem to help now. The sugar seems to be a little heavier on the side the light is on. My next crop I think I will hang a white reflective curtain down the center, that way only one half of my plants will get the UVB light. And I will not start it up in the last 3 weeks of flowering. I might boost the time a little also. I am only at 1 Hour a day now, I was at 4 hours. seemed to strong. Hmmmmmmmmm. Now that I think of it,, my Trichs were building until I put out the UVB light, then it was not for another week the gooey masses starting coming again. I can see it now. I introduced a new enviroment change to my plants, it took them a week to adjust. Someone back earlier was correct I think.. You should start the UVB light before flowering starts.

Anyway, I will give it another try next flowering. And i will make it more accurate also.



Well-Known Member
I was thinking that- I introduced it too late for me to notice change I am going into 12/12 at the end of next week, and will use the tanning array I have as soon as the girl bits show (another week on, damn this time lag. What do we want? instant gratification! - when do we want it? - NOW). Note to SKH I have done my shabby best to post some more photo's they are in my gallery, as I haven't a clue how to attach them to this thread. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
hey man...looking good..

posting pics.....go to "reply" not the quick reply....and then you can "attach" photos.....hope it works for ya!:blsmoke:
I was thinking that- I introduced it too late for me to notice change I am going into 12/12 at the end of next week, and will use the tanning array I have as soon as the girl bits show (another week on, damn this time lag. What do we want? instant gratification! - when do we want it? - NOW). Note to SKH I have done my shabby best to post some more photo's they are in my gallery, as I haven't a clue how to attach them to this thread. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks in advance.