In most cases it is the larvae of certain types of Beetles... Last year I had issues with Japanese Boring Beetle Larvae... Haven't seen it this year...Aloha,
Has anyone have problems with an insect boring holes into the stem and killing that branch? I want to know what I can use to kill the bug and stop having holes in my stem.
What did you use to kill the larvae? Is it ok to shoot insecticide into the hole to kill the larvae?In most cases it is the larvae of certain types of Beetles... Last year I had issues with Japanese Boring Beetle Larvae... Haven't seen it this year...
They would bore a hole in a branch right where it connected to the main stem and that branch would eventually die off.. Couple times they bored right into the main stem...
So many obstacles!!
thanks. probbly those little 1cm moths and when i try to grab em they fly away or move around the stem...little fuckers!
could you please refresh my memory as to what happened in the first place to Oahu's ASA Group? Didn' they have some problems with a members using the meetings as place to sell indoor equipment? If true, that's sad as fuck!There are a few of us trying to restart the Americans for Safe Access Group in Oahu. We are having a meeting on 13 Aug 2010 at the Waipahu Civic Center, 94-275 Mokuola St., from 7-9 pm. All that are interested in re-organizing this group are invited.
ya, I think I heard from the dude....Has any one heard from DR.Greenhorn?
I heard kkday runs a mobile dispensary. you just gotta know the secret handshakebut WTF we have medical marijuana but no dispenserys on oahu we need to do sumthing about that