What to do with a rat??????

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Well-Known Member
I am not talking about the type that its cheese. House gone, jail time, pets put to sleep because of jail time. Any ideas? Dosent need to be violent. Just looking for original ideas.


Active Member
Pop a beer load a bowl and wait for Karma to catch up, it always does. Of course I am (little bit) of a pacifist.


Well-Known Member
I am not talking about the type that its cheese. House gone, jail time, pets put to sleep because of jail time. Any ideas? Dosent need to be violent. Just looking for original ideas.
are you capable of beating him down? just a baseball bat to the back and a couple kicks to the face would suffice, just as long as he needs to see a dentist after he gets out of the hospital.

i know you said creative not violent but be real now, this is what will teach him a real lesson. btw im not a violent person but i think that he should serve a rash consequence.


Well-Known Member
damn bud how could you think of anything but violence? if you really wanna get him back, go find some one who knows where to get speed buy some split it up in a bunch of baggies. when the other guy isnt home go there and put em under the trash can or another convenient stash spot bucket in the side yard anything that looks like a quick stash spot. then call your local pd and give a tip that he is dealing speed tell em you see a lot of traffic going in and out at all hours and you have seen him go in and out of the stash spot a lot and at strange times. if they ask tell em your a neighbor with kids your concerned for. also tell em there is a very strong chemical smell coming from the house every so often.
when they go to check it out they will find their"stash" and be busted let em try to say it isnt theirs cops NEVER believe tweekers. ive seen this work.
or just beat the shit out of him go across town and have some friends say you have been with em all day, cops wont do anything for em

an sorry but fuck Karma, last vestige of hope for totally powerless people. i can think of a lot of people who should have horrible karma and are rich or famous or both.


Active Member
Let me get this straight, you fucked up, someone said something, and you want to blame him?
Grow the fuck up and pay the piper man, its no ones fault but yours!


Active Member
break both hands and arms... he wont be laughing when he cant wipe his own ass...


Active Member
Let me get this straight, you fucked up, someone said something, and you want to blame him?
Grow the fuck up and pay the piper man, its no ones fault but yours!
I half agree with this the only people that should know anything are people that need to know. For me it would just be whos directly involved.

But by no means should someone rat you out...
Consequences must be delivered regardless of whos "fault".


Active Member
hide coke and pot in little baggies in his car and report him selling to kids....or start a small grow, root over 100 clones then break into his house and put them in a room in his house and call the cops, stash a bong and other paraphernalia just in case too

both are terrible ideas


Well-Known Member
You could befriend him by acting like a reformed christian who has forgiven him and then slowly poison him with arsenic or something.....


Well-Known Member
hide coke and pot in little baggies in his car and report him selling to kids....or start a small grow, root over 100 clones then break into his house and put them in a room in his house and call the cops, stash a bong and other paraphernalia just in case too

both are terrible ideas
lol at least you said it before someone else did... like me:)

Big P

Well-Known Member
yea if it was me i would blame myself for telling such a fucked up dude about your grow.

blame yourself as usually your the one responsible.

look within before looking outward, then decide


Well-Known Member
take a good look at what YOU did wrong and don't do it again.

thread closed due to violent suggestions.
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