New Member
Yeah i chuckled. People try to know but they dont. I could go up to a dealer that sells hydro and ask him whats hydro and why is it more and he would be clueless just cuz they hear hydro in the name!
People are just so stereotypical when it comes to hydroponically grown bud, soil is just as good, and in some cases even better! I prefer to grow hydro myself though, it's a lot more of a challenge to maintain a good hydro crop, not to mention the drastic increase in growth rate!!!Yeah i chuckled. People try to know but they dont. I could go up to a dealer that sells hydro and ask him whats hydro and why is it more and he would be clueless just cuz they hear hydro in the name!
dude weed is expensive in most southourn states. my town in perticular, a single Z of high grade goes for any where from 450 to 650. fucking crazy right. i sell my bag seed buds for 400 a z.20 dollars for a fucking gram?! do you live in malibu? that's $560 an ounce!!! I wish I could get that for selling name brand chronic.
Well, I have no idea where to get proper equipment to test the thc levels off the plants...but it would be interesting to see an experiment like that...but granted that they have the exact same light source and are getting the exact same amount of light intensity, my guess would be that the THC content would be near identical, as trichomes(which contain the THC) are a means of protection from intense light...2 plants of identicle strain and size, 1 grown in soil the other hydroponically, which has more thc?
Haha, if i could grow enough, i'd happily sort you out, figure out some exchange rates and stealthy overseas shipping and such100 a ounce??? are you serious? IF SO, i want 16 ounces right now...i'll come to youi can easily get 550$ per ounce of what we call it down here "GOOD" aka "nugs". any thing that smells & looks GOOD. i sell to my people 15-20 a GRAM, people i dont know 25 a gram EASY MONEY
Thinking about it totally logically with little actual scientific background, if both plants are grow propperly to their full potential, both would have the same proportion of THC, but well, hydro is known to increase growth over soil at the potential loss of taste, so i'd have thought hydronicly grown cannabis, but most likely by a teeny tiny margin2 plants of identicle strain and size, 1 grown in soil the other hydroponically, which has more thc?