help! thief


Active Member
a friend of mine has a medical card. another person who we will call thief also has a card and is at the persons house. i noticed a couple buds were pulled off. i know my friend didnt do it. and we know its thief. the problem is, we cant go to cops because my friend is afraid thief will do something crazy. is there anything i can do besides gather a few friends and beat the living piss out of this cocksucker? its just bullshit that he steals some ones medicine when he can have his own.


Even if the Cops found the buds, It'd be your word against his, getting the cops involved won't do much good, probably get you in trouble if anything, still a few of them with axes to grind over this.

Just chalk it up to experience, and learn to keep people out and away from grows.
Don't let that thief be around y'all anymore, If he does know its not legal and you beat em he could go snitch.


Active Member
no the thief does not live there but he is around almost everyday and my friend is afraid to tell him to stay away cause he has a history of being violent and psycho and he is afraid thief may do something crazy if we tell him to stay away. everything is at my friends house and i encourage her to keep everyone away from the locked room but its not my house and im not one to make rules in some one elses house. im glad he only grabbed a couple buds. i could tell he was in a hurry cause he did a really shitty job breaking the tops off. 1 he didnt even get off all the way.


Well-Known Member
no the thief does not live there but he is around almost everyday and my friend is afraid to tell him to stay away cause he has a history of being violent and psycho and is afraid he may do something crazy if we tell him to stay away. almost wish he would break in or something when i was there so i could shoot the cocksucker. i so want to hurt this guy but im afraid of cops. everything is at my friends house and i encourage her to keep everyone away from the locked room but its not my house and im not one to make rules in some one elses house. im glad he only grabbed a couple buds. i could tell he was in a hurry cause he did a really shitty job breaking the tops off. 1 he didnt even get off all the way.
don't get the cops involved because they will take everything.

you're afraid of the guy who stole from you you pussy????

fuck that. man up and tell that idiot to stay away. i'd rough him up a little bit too... how are you gonna keep quiet??? you deserve to be stolen from if when it happens you do nothing.

keep him away from the plants..... and what the hell is a 'psycho' that doesn't live at the house, who has loose hands, doing inside the garden????? that's already a security risk......


Active Member
don't get the cops involved because they will take everything.

you're afraid of the guy who stole from you you pussy????

fuck that. man up and tell that idiot to stay away. i'd rough him up a little bit too... how are you gonna keep quiet??? you deserve to be stolen from if when it happens you do nothing.

keep him away from the plants..... and what the hell is a 'psycho' that doesn't live at the house, who has loose hands, doing inside the garden????? that's already a security risk......
it's not my house, it's my friends. i have no right tell her who can be there and cannot. i encourage them to keep away from this guy.


Well-Known Member
its not your house... is it your plants???

if so then i suggest you get another caregiver.

if you're gonna become the caregiver, i suggest you set some ground rules and do some upgrades.

1) you're the key holder to the garden. NOBODY walks into the garden without you, not even the home owner.

2) set up some security cameras. one on every door to the outside, one on the door to the garden, and one on the plants. put them to record. these systems aren't expensive. i helped a friend install a 4 camera system with invisible IR LEd's which make it very good in the dark, with 1000 feet of chord, a DVR recorder, and a tv and it cost him less than 300 bucks. and the resolution of the cameras were remarkably good. a really good way to make sure it works is you put the cameras next so something that catches attention. a bright yellow post it, a picture of a naked woman or a cat riding a donkey, next to the camera, that way everybody will glance at it if just for a second... it'll catch everybody's face....

anybody questions you just say it's for your safety. and that's it.

but if you got that sneaky mo'fo' pinching buds left and right.... hell, if he pinches a bud off the wrong plant it can stress it enough to cause a hermie, pollinate the whole crop, and then nobody gets high.....


Well-Known Member
get the camera, change the locks yourself if need be, and let it be known that stealing, pinching, or anything will not be tolerated.

if somebody asks why, tell them why: "i've spent months tending to this garden, and i know every single leaf, pistil, branch. i know every stain on the floor. i noticed there was a bud missing from a plant(location). i'm not gonna point fingers, i don't want any trouble. but if this happens again i'm gonna kill the whole crop and I'll go grow somewhere else. i'm not kidding. this was a lot of hard work, and pinching a single bud can ruin the whole crop"

or something like that.....

ganga 420

who the fuckin hell does tht fuckin panzie think he is if i had a card it would be my most prized possession go to his house put a bomb under his car blow it up in his driveway or wait till the next time he talks to u and smash that phyco till he coughs up the card and all the weed he stole x4 like if he stole aprox a quarter ounce make him get o an ounce that shit is unacceptable plus the only way people like u in this trade is if u dont ripp people i right people


Come on... you want to kill this guy over a couple buds?
Your getting ripped off and abused by some guy who is Psycho, violent, thief, and your friend? Get this guy out and away, buff up your security like Redivider said. Growing in other peoples houses kinda comes with those downsides.


Active Member
who the fuckin hell does tht fuckin panzie think he is if i had a card it would be my most prized possession go to his house put a bomb under his car blow it up in his driveway or wait till the next time he talks to u and smash that phyco till he coughs up the card and all the weed he stole x4 like if he stole aprox a quarter ounce make him get o an ounce that shit is unacceptable plus the only way people like u in this trade is if u dont ripp people i right people
and i would totally understand your reaction ganga, if this were the "thug, cocaine, meth, and guns" board. but this is the compassion, helping, healing board.. calm down man, it's a crap situation for this guy, and he knows it, but giving advice that you'd blow up someones car in their drive way is about what a psycho would do; or a 13 year old.. i agree w/ redivicer; change the locks, grow somewhere else, or just get out of there... according to you it's your time, effort, gear, and seeds. you have more than enough reason to just split... life is to short for the level or sketch you are describing here...


Active Member
we cut the whole crop down and it is drying at another trusted persons house whom only i know about. they also have a med card. my friend is just going to tell that fucker someone stole and no one is allowed over anymore. few of my friends are already thinking about beating the shit out of him. this guy is known as a scum bag around town. a lot of people know him and almost no one likes him. yeah my friend is a pussy, hes weak and also physically disabled in a wheelchair. but hes an awesome dude and dont deserve this. friends like this are not easy to find. on the other hand, the psycho stalker thief, even though he has a medical card, isnt disabled. maybe mentally but it's his own fault for being a fuck up. im thinking security cameras may be the answer. no sense in letting this ruin my next few days. time to move on.


Well-Known Member
just a pointer, don't be talking all about how you want to kill this guy.

if he turns up dead, and somebody happens to hear you bragging about how you wanted to kill him. you're going on the cop's short list....... FYI


Active Member
its all under control now. lol just found out he was arrested for drunken disorderly. who knows what happens when he gets out of jail tho. my friend is just going to tell him hes not allowed over anymore. were caling the cops if he tries anything.


Well-Known Member
its all under control now. lol just found out he was arrested for drunken disorderly. who knows what happens when he gets out of jail tho. my friend is just going to tell him hes not allowed over anymore. were caling the cops if he tries anything.
he'll probally be out in a day or 2. that actually disturbs/worries me more than i was before, he just proved your point that he's fucking crazy and does stupid shit when he gets all fucked up.


Well-Known Member
don't get the cops involved because they will take everything.

you're afraid of the guy who stole from you you pussy????

fuck that. man up and tell that idiot to stay away. i'd rough him up a little bit too... how are you gonna keep quiet??? you deserve to be stolen from if when it happens you do nothing.

keep him away from the plants..... and what the hell is a 'psycho' that doesn't live at the house, who has loose hands, doing inside the garden????? that's already a security risk......
Great reply man! Fuck Ye! But i did notice this guy doesnt own or seem to live at the property and the Girl who does seems to be the weak link mabe?


Active Member
Great reply man! Fuck Ye! But i did notice this guy doesnt own or seem to live at the property and the Girl who does seems to be the weak link mabe?
no theif does not live or own the property. hes been told he is no longer welcome over and if he does cops will be called to remove him. it doesnt matter what he says, its all legal and legit anyway. we have pictures from beginning to start to prove everything is ours. btw my friend is a guy not a girl, not that it really matters. thief also had a card and we were trying to help him learn cause even tho he thinks he can grow, hes an idiot and couldnt even tell his own plant was a hermy. even though it had obvious hairs and sacks. pisses me off how idiots like this get medical cards. makes us good ppl with cards look bad. then theres good ppl who cant even get cards.