quick, need help...


Active Member
whats up fellas, wondering if perhaps someone out there can tell me something. the very top of my plant is starting to peel over. everything was looking healthy, first i noticed the leave stems startied to turn purple, then the leaves started to hang down. before i went to bed i noticed a slight bit of brown/purple in the smallest newest sprouting leaves at the top, when i came to see it in the morning, the newest leaves are dying. i use sunlight in day and transfer to room at night. running half miracle gro(not for pots) and half top soil. water evry four -5 days with tap water. have it in a coffee can. its 32 days into grow in veg stage. i honestly have no idea whats causing this sudden drooping of leaves and purple within the leave stems and the newest top sprouting leaves.i understand that one im running not the right soil mix, probably my ph l;evel is off, but can anyone tell me a technical answer to what causes purple coloring of the leave stems?what might an experienced grower might do from this situation thats on an extemley low budget? heres a couple pics of plant last night, ill take some more right now and post em of the plant this morning. please any input is appreciated.i attacthed pics of plant from last night to this morning, pics are labeled morning(or not, its the pics where the plant is outside). humidity has been around 80 percent with temps into the 90's, although for the first 30 days the girl seemed to be doing fine. i noticed this all started when i watered it about a week and a half ago with some cold tap water.usually she droops down when watering, and after sitting in the dark all night her leaves would come back up by morning, but after that one watering her leaves seemed to have stayed down and also they started to seem dry feeling( kinda crusty like) and thats when shoprtly after the stem leaves started to turn purple. its been trying to recover since then it seems, shes growing but now im starting to see all kinds of deficiancies- bottom leaves are curling starting to turn yellow, also the 2 sets of leaves that only have 3 fans went bad first, turning yellow with brown edges. i removed them both at different times.



Active Member
IDK if this is ur problem but ur humidity is too high..i can tell by how fat those leaves are


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the brown spot but the rest of the plant looks like it's thirsty. Your soil looks really dry.

Cut off the damaged leaves. It's going to spend energy trying to "fix" those. If you cut them off, it'll devote that energy to growing.


Active Member
whats up guys, ahight, so i think what caused the browning at the top was a 50 watt halogen spot light, cause i didnt realize how damn hot that bulb actually gets( burned my hand at almost a foot away in minutes). i also switched from tap water to infant drinking water, switching the water started to bring the leaves back up so im guessing as someone who knows practiclly nothing that the purple was caused from the clhorine in the water(just my guess). which brings me to my next questions for anyone. a friend told me rain water is too acidic and that drinking water doesnt hold the proper minerals and nutrients for a plant. also he told me that a regular house style bulb doesnt promote growth. i was running one of those reveal bulbs(60 watts). so i switched today to a dual adapter and im now running 1- full spectrum 27 watt(5500k) and 1- 42 watt(2700k) bulbs. he also told me that foil absorbs light and doesnt reflect it, but being on a budget, i figured that foil would at least be brighter than wood. he told me to paint it flat white instead. so hers my questions. 1. can i grow off just these two bulbs?can i flower with them? 2.should i paint white in there or just run foil?if paint, could low amounts of paint vapor affect or even kill my plant? 3. is it safe to run infant drinking water? 4. i want to run fox farm soil, how might i transplant it with as little stress as possible at the same time getting rid of most of the miracle grow that the plant is already in?- whats the smallest pot size i could use while still acheiving good root growth space? please any input is great and appreciated.