Under $100 1st grow, 5G DWC, WW (Fem Seed) Closet Grow (106W Veg, 160W Flower)


Active Member
How do you know if salt needs to be added? Can you add it when it doesn't need it and mess it up?
It's not actually a "salt". I guess it was originally called Epsom Salt because the grains look like salt. Epsom salt is Magnesium Sulfate, which when broken down in water is an excellent source of Mag for the plant.

If your nutes don't have any Mag in them or if your doing soil and it doesn't have any Mag then you need it. It is what makes your leaves develop. If you get reddish stems and your leaves are droopy and poorly developed then it can be a Mag deficiency. I'm sure if your plant was getting enough and you added it, then it may do some harm. But, to be honest. IDK.


Well-Known Member
You've done nicely so far, but I think you are in need of some more lighting.. If you can get a few more cfl's around it and maybe contain the light around the plant you will notice a considerable difference. This is obviously only my opinion, but I just thought I'd put it out there. Good luck and happy growing


Active Member
You've done nicely so far, but I think you are in need of some more lighting.. If you can get a few more cfl's around it and maybe contain the light around the plant you will notice a considerable difference. This is obviously only my opinion, but I just thought I'd put it out there. Good luck and happy growing
Thanks for stopping by man! Typically this is what my closet looks like when the lights are on...


Between the 150w HPS and the 2 x 32w CFLs I've got 20,200 Lumens @ 214w. It's enough light for me, but to each his own man bongsmilie


Active Member
Day 52 (Day 21 of 12/12) Pics:


and the Clone:


So, I'm pretty sure my plant will be 2' tall by the time I update tomorrow. A good bit taller then I thought she would get when I started 12/12. She was 6" tall when I flipped the lights, so she's quadrupled in height in 3 weeks ! Hoping she's almost done stretching and will start concentrating on making some delicious buds ! I know she's going to be about a week or so behind b/c of stress, If she grows another 1' I'm going to run out of room and have to start some lite LST.


Active Member
then you will also have to look up the word after quadruple.. haha pentruple? I could google it, but I'd rather let it remain a mystery for now. That is pretty impressive, however I also want to say this in the nicest way possible, the plants are stretched out a lot compared to what it should ideally look like.


Active Member
No doubts about the stretching brotha,. Honestly, I'm surprised no one else has said anything about it. With all the other stress the plant has gone through, I didn't want to add heat stress on top of it, so I've probably had the HPS a little Higher than it should be... but I thought it would be better for it to be stretched than to crisp up the top too much.


hey man thats a ghetto setup u got there.. check ur canopy temp bro and get that hps closer ive got two 600w hps and their like a foot n a bit away from my plants and my canopy sits around 25 - 28C...as long as uve got good ventilation ul be sweet...looking good tho man...im a kiwi(NZ)and that there my freind looks much like kiwi ingenuity..lol..u know a bunch of kiwi asbestos removers invented the face mask bong? lol no shit bro..peace mate stay medicated


Active Member
hey man thats a ghetto setup u got there.. check ur canopy temp bro and get that hps closer ive got two 600w hps and their like a foot n a bit away from my plants and my canopy sits around 25 - 28C...as long as uve got good ventilation ul be sweet...looking good tho man...im a kiwi(NZ)and that there my freind looks much like kiwi ingenuity..lol..u know a bunch of kiwi asbestos removers invented the face mask bong? lol no shit bro..peace mate stay medicated
Thanks for lookin' at my grow man ! Yeah, a lifetime of having to make do with what you've got has made a bit of an engineer out of me, lol. I had no idea you could get that close to the plants without a cool tube. I've lowered my lights a bit, but the plant is 2' tall now (61cm). I think heat is still going to be an issue if I lower the lights any more than I did yesterday, so I may have to just add back a few more CFL's.


Active Member
Well, other than a couple of pics I won't be doing a big update tonight. I lost the top 3" of my tallest branch tonight. IDK what happened, but I must have bumped it on the door when I was taking the pot out to change the res solution. A sad day indeed...



Active Member
So, I was looking at my timer today, and noticed something weird.... It has 1.75 hours between time on/off instead of 2 hours !!! That, and there are 14 settings for each day instead of 12. Which means I've been doing 7*1.75= 12.25 hours on day/night. I thought "no biggie, as long as it's 12 hours darkness or MORE it should be cool", and it would be... but there's one cycle per week that only has 13 pins instead of 14 !!!!

So that means that one time a week, I've been giving the plant 12.25 hours of light and only 10.5 hours of dark !!!! The whole flowering time !!!! I think this is the big reason I'm not seeing flowers yet and I've got pre-flowers out the ying-yang with the plant still stretching everywhere !!! I flipped those 2 settings to 12.25 dark and 10.5 light, so hopefully that will push her along and she'll stop this stretch soon ! The clone has reached 30.5" now and the tallest stem on the mom is like 29.5" tall now.


I'm going on vacation in a little over a month and a half and this plant was supposed to be finished right before then. I've got a good buddy that I know I can trust the plant with if it comes to it... but he's not going to know a damn thing to do with the plant come harvest time. Hopefully she won't get over-ripe before I can get back (I'll be gone for 5-6 days) or she's done before I leave. IDK, but you've gotta love all the shit that comes with the first grow !!!!
